Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1. I am glad to hear that Malaysia will be spared from the fallout of the systemic collapse of the whole world's financial system. This ability to isolate Malaysia and Malaysian banks from the effect of the bankruptcies of all the biggest banks in the world must be regarded as a miracle. Our ability to manage our financial system better than others must earn us the admiration of the world.
2. I hope we are right in forecasting the effect on us of the collapse of the world's financial system. But I have a sneaking feeling that all is not well.
3. We are a trading nation which trades with all countries of the world. The United States and Europe are among the biggest of our trading partners. Roughly 40 per cent of our total trade is with them. I may be wrong but I believe that if our buyers cannot pay for what they import from us, we would not make the profit we had expected. In fact we would lose a lot of money as we will not recover the cost of the goods we sell even.
4. Now the common practise is for importers to open Letters of Credit (LCs) with banks to ensure that when they receive the goods the corresponding banks will release the money. However, if the importers' banks go bankrupt they would not be able to transmit the payment.
4. Now the common practise is for importers to open Letters of Credit (LCs) with banks to ensure that when they receive the goods the corresponding banks will release the money. However, if the importers' banks go bankrupt they would not be able to transmit the payment.
5. They may be bailed out by the US Government. But they may not consider paying Malaysian exporters as a priority. In which case we will not be paid. Worse still we can no longer entertain orders coming from this market. Our trade must shrink.
6. We are not talking about one company. We are talking about hundreds of companies trading with America and Europe and other countries not getting paid for their exports. We are talking about tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of Ringgit worth of goods not being paid for.
7. These companies all borrow from banks to finance their operations. They hope to pay the banks from the proceeds of their export. When they cannot pay the banks, the banks in turn would have a lot of non-performing loans.
8. The banks would be wary of lending money to not only the exporting companies but to others as well. There will be a credit squeeze which would hurt other businesses. There will be margin calls. When the borrowers cannot meet this there may be foreclosures.
9. We see a lot of construction in Kuala Lumpur, all dependent on borrowed money. If these buildings are not sold or rented, payment by the developer to the banks would not be forthcoming. Again there will be a lot of non-performing loans.
10. When the Government withdrew the subsidy for oil the pump price increased by 40 per cent. The immediate result was to increase the prices of a wide range of food, goods and services commonly needed by the people. In other words the purchasing power of the people had been reduced.
11. Since then the price of oil had been reduced three times. But the prices of food, goods and services have stayed up.
12. Some cranks estimated that every citizen had lost purchasing power by RM300 a year. Since we have a population of 27million, the country's loss of purchasing power amounts to RM8.1 billion. That is a lot money which is lost by food suppliers, cooked and uncooked, goods and service providers at various levels. A lot of small businesses would just fold up.
13. The Government has given back some money but not enough to reduce the losses sustained by the economy.
14. Now the corridors cannot be fully implemented. But this is fine because nothing had been implemented anyway. Unfortunately the anticipated earnings by contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, workers, teh tarik and nasi lemak sellers would not materialise.
15. Maybe we will not need several hundred billions to bail out our banks. But the banks will also face the problem of unpaid loans incurred by their credit card users. They have been rather lax in providing credit card facilities to their customers, many of whom have no accounts with them. It is believed that unpaid credit card loans is in excess of RM20 billion.
16. Will the Government guarantee depositors will not lose their deposits when the banks which had in the past made huge profits now go bankrupt because of their mismanagement?
17. This is what the peoples of America and Europe are asking. Their money is used to bail out the banks whose profits had enriched their Chief Executive Officers and their share holders so much in the past. The people did not get a share of the profit, but they must pay for the losses.
18. We are told that six billion Ringgit in Foreign Direct Investment would flow into the country. But what about the RM30 billion outflow as foreign investors pulled out of the stock market?
19. I pray that I am wrong. I pray that the Government is right in declaring that the whole world may collapse but we would be the only country which won't. We will sail calmly through the seas of shattered economies.
20. What is happening in the world today is the total collapse of the international financial system. This has been brought about by greedy people abusing the system. Instead of doing business in goods and services they now do business in money, in fictitious money.
21. We had experienced the effects of the trade in our currency in 1997-98. For no very good reason, our Ringgit was devalued so that its purchasing power was halved. And we became poor.
22. Fortunately for us we succeeded in stopping the trade in Ringgit and restoring its value. But the system is still in place. And now it is the US Dollar which is devalued.
23. But trading in currencies is only one of the abuses. The banks are lending more money than they have. They actually go to the people to persuade them to borrow.
24. Their clients can borrow 100 per cent of the money to buy a house for example.
25. They need not worry about paying or servicing the loan. The price of the house would appreciate. You may even have a second mortgage. You may even sell at a profit.
26. In the meantime the bank would register the loan and add the projected earnings from interest maybe over 20 years. That done the bank can put all the loans together and sell it to the hedge funds at a discount after adding potential interest.
27. The more risky the loan the higher would be the interest and the higher would be the profit. The hedge funds which buy the loans can basically sell the mortgages to investors in the fund or to the huge Government financed Federal National Mortgage Association, nicknamed Fannie Mae, and the Federal Home Mortgage Corporation, nicknamed Freddie Mac.
28. Now the hedge funds and the banks would feel safe and enjoy the huge profits that they have made.
29. But when hundreds of thousands of house buyers find themselves unable to pay simply because they have no money, and could not sell the houses and could not borrow from banks, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae would not be able to pay the hedge funds. Then the hedge funds would collapse and drag down the banks with them.
30. This simply is what happened. The same applies to credit cards. People with little or no money would be given credit cards. They would spend more than they can afford and the banks would be faced with huge amounts of non-performing loans. The banks cannot pay the bills submitted by the sellers of goods or suppliers of services. The banks would collapse and there would be a run on the banks and on other banks which had lent the money to the affected banks. And so we see one after another of the giant banks of America and Europe going bankrupt.
31. The Government may try to bail them out. But the confidence does not last long. Soon the bailout would be seen to fail.
32. Actually I am giving a very simplified version of what is happening. All these shuffling of papers and figures cannot but encourage cheating. The bigger the amount of money involved the bigger would be the returns. The tendency is therefore to play with very large sums of money.
33. But where does the money come from? From nowhere. The Government and the banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank conjured up the money from nothing. If you ask yourself where do the US700 billion Dollars come from when you know the United States' Government has to borrow US1.5 billion every day, you will find no answer. Is the US Government holding US700 billion Dollars in its treasury just in case it has to bail out the banks? Not likely when it cannot even make ends meet, when it has twin deficits.
34. So money can be conjured up out of thin air. And this must be the money the banks lent, the money the hedge funds and currency traders play with, the payments for expensive wars etc.
35. Basically the international financial system and the market economy has failed. Unless and until a new system is introduced and Governments regulate with the running and operation of national and international finance and the so-called free market we are going to see the financial turmoil and collapse repeated over and over again.
By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ravage At Sea
The stewardess was being very slow. Annoyed that she was being put on hold, Miranda Davis turned and looked over her shoulder for the woman she had ordered a glass of wine from nearly fifteen minutes ago. The man sitting next to her, who had been buried in a book until now, glanced over with her movement.
"Business or pleasure?" He asked referring, no doubt, to the fact that they would be landing in Hawaii soon. Turning her gaze to the tall, broad shouldered gentleman, Miranda shifted her hold on the magazine she was reading so that her glittering wedding ring could be clearly seen. She had no interest in the man beside her, other then someone to talk to.
"Neither," She said with a small smile. "I'm going home." The man arched both brows and put down the book he was reading. Miranda glanced at the title, Forbidden, it said in fiery red letters featuring a very realistic and graphic depiction of a half nude woman tied to a stone alter. She felt a slight wave of unease.
"You're from Hawaii?" He asked, stating the obvious and Miranda smiled nervously, twisting the ring on her finger. "Yes." Just then the stewardess finally came over with her order and Miranda took it gratefully, wishing it were something stronger, but she wanted to greet her husband, David, with a clear head. She had missed him terribly in the three weeks she had been gone and frankly she was looking forward to a long, hot bath and a good fuck. Never having been with another man, Miranda had no basis for comparison when she said her husband was fabulous in bed. He was a gentle, generous lover who demanded very little and gave a lot. Thinking of what awaited her she shifted slightly in her seat and tried to get a look out the window. The man was still watching her.
"Homesick?" He asked, and Miranda paused to get a better look at him. He wasn't classically handsome but he had an interesting face. He had very short dark hair and stoic green eyes. She would have bet money that he was single, single and looking, it was apparent.
She tried to sound to impatient. "A little, yes." The man's gaze slid over her wedding ring that she was twisting. He smirked, as if amused by something.
"Miss your husband?" He asked in a tone that was more than conversational. Miranda eyed the man.
"Yes…very much." She said carefully.
The man leaned over, very close to her. "I bet I can guess what you miss the most."
Miranda's eyebrows shot up as she stared at him. How dare he? "Excuse me?" Her tone was cold.
He smiled brightly and picked up his book again. "Sorry, I'll just go back to my book now." Miranda frowned and rifled impatiently through her magazine. She was not reassured by the fact that they still had three hours yet to fly before she was home.
Miranda was a beautiful woman. She was turning thirty-four in three weeks but she looked ten years younger. Her long platinum blonde hair was most often seen in a sleek French braid that hung nearly to her waist nicely complimenting her copper complexion and clear blue eyes. Today she had it pinned up in a neat twist that completely hit the secret of its luxurious length. She wore a cream-colored travel suit that showed the delicious curves of her magnificent body. Miranda was proud of her figure. She was always sure to eat smart and exercise daily, mostly for David who couldn't stand an ounce of fat, but somewhat for herself too.
The dipping neckline of the silk jacket extenuated her deliciously heavy breasts and its cinched waist, held in place by a delicate gold chain showed her catlike slenderness. The man beside her took all of this in from the corner of his eye, and Miranda could sense him watching her. She scanned the plane for an empty seat but they were filled to capacity. She clenched her teeth and picked up her wine to take a sip. The plane trembled and a goodly amount of the dark fluid splashed across the front of her jacket. Miranda frowned deeply as she called for a stewardess. She dabbed soda water on the fine silk as she inwardly seethed. She had wanted to look nice for David and now her best travel suit was ruined.
"Everyone, we're going through a pretty bad storm and might experience some turbulence, the captain requests that everyone fasten their seatbelts and please refrain from leaving your seats." The chipper young stewardess smiled sweetly at the passengers aboard and a collective sigh was heard amidst the sound of two hundred seatbelts fastening.
Glancing out the window, Miranda's stomach clenched at what she saw. Dark angry clouds swirled all around them, lightning flashed and the plane groaned as it hit another pocket of air. The sighing soon stopped and was replaced by an eerie silence as everyone tried to stay calm. The plane bucked and dipped in the storm and people grabbed for airsick bags. The putrid smell of vomit filled the cabin as the plane veered off to the left, and then the right and the smell of smoke filled the air. People began to panic, steward call lights went off right and left but they were all buckled in and not responding.
A sudden nosedive had Miranda grasping the seat in front of her to keep from slamming backward. Oxygen masks dropped suddenly from the ceiling and Miranda felt a wave of panic as she struggled to put hers on. Someone screamed and the plane started spinning, making everything blur and distort.
We're upside down. Miranda thought. I'm going to die! It was clear the plane was in trouble. It spun and flipped through the sky like a fighter jet, but unlike a fighter jet, it was heading straight for the ocean. Screaming was heard as through the windows the ocean was rushing up to meet them. A sickening crunch was heard as one wing was ripped from the plane. Miranda screamed and then the plane hit and her world went black.
It was the cold, not so much the water itself that awoke Miranda. Surrounded by flaming wreckage and huge, angry waves, Miranda surfaced in the frigid water and felt a wave of burning pain overtake her. Her vision spun crazily as a huge wave lifted her high into the air and sent her crashing back down, down, down deep into the water. She couldn't breathe, she panicked, and then as she surfaced, strong hands were lifting her, pulling her into a dingy. She passed out again from the pain.
Miranda awoke to a throbbing pain in her temples and the sensation of constant movement that made her nauseous. She slowly, painfully opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was yellow. Shiny yellow, pushing herself up on one elbow she realized it was very early morning and she was in a yellow, rubber life raft…lost at sea. Panic overwhelmed her and she spun about. There was only one other person in the lifeboat, the man who had been sitting beside her and he was staring out at the water.
"Oh my god…" Miranda's voice shook. "Oh my god, where are we?" Pain throbbed in her head as she spoke and the man turned to look at her.
"I really don't know I'm afraid." He said calmly. Miranda searched for signs of other life, anything, anything but the miles of flat blue ocean that surrounded them. There was nothing to see, nothing but water. At least the storm seemed to be over. They were lifted high on ocean waves but set gently back down to be lifted again. Miranda tried to calm down, to take stock what they had to survive and of her condition. Her clothes were wet, dirty, and torn, but still intact.
The gold chain dangled uselessly at her side. There was no blood that she could see, but her head throbbed painfully. A gentle examination brought her fingers away red and she realized that she had a gash above her ear. Considering everything that had happened, it seemed she had gotten away quite lucky. Her hair was still halfway pinned up, long tresses of it falling down, some streaked with red. She pinned it back up with shaking fingers and turned her attention to the man who was watching her.
"Are you okay?" She asked him.
He nodded lying back against the raft. "I have a terrible headache and I feel a little sick but I think I'm all right."
Miranda swallowed. "Did…did anyone else survive? Do you know what happened?"
The man shook his head. "No I just grabbed the flotation device under my seat, you can thank me later. I didn't see anyone and I don't know what direction to go so I'm just letting the ocean carry us."
Miranda felt a wave of sickness wash over her. "We're lost at sea." She all but whispered and he scooted closer to her to put a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. They'll find us, today probably." Miranda swallowed. Her throat was very dry.
"How long has it been, do we have any supplies?" He opened a tiny pouch in the side of a raft and pulled out a bright orange nylon bag. He handed her a nearly full water bottle. "It's just been the night, the storm stopped a couple of hours ago. We have five of these, three flares, and ten aluminum pouches that I suspect are food." Miranda gratefully accepted the water taking a long drink. She could have swallowed the whole thing but she knew they should save it. "And there is a first aid bag, let me see your ear."
Miranda let him dab some iodine on her wound, but since there wasn't much else to be done, it had to be left at that. It stung badly and he gave her two aspirin, also found in the first aid pouch. "Did you use a flare?" She asked him. He nodded. "There were five total, I used one right away and another after the storm ended. Don't worry too much, they know where the plane went down, they'll find us."
Miranda nodded choking back her tears. She noticed with some displeasure that that her wedding ring was gone, undoubtedly, lost forever. She pulled her knees up to her chest and tried to fight the motion sickness. "What's your name?" She asked him. He held out his hand, a ridiculous gesture of greeting in their current predicament, but it would have to do. She took his hand slowly.
"Kevin." He told her. "And you?"
"Miranda." She said and he offered her a smile. "Good to meet you…although I think it could have happened in a better way." The sun slowly started to beat down on them making the temperature shoot up to an uncomfortably sticky heat and Miranda took off her jacket. She was just wearing a camisole underneath but it didn't seem like a time for modesty. Her body screamed for water and she took a tiny sip.
"At least I get to work on my tan." She offered with a lame smile and Kevin laughed. "I'm going to turn tomato red I can already tell." He said also removing his shirt. They both scanned the sky for signs of help, but it was clear and blue and the only thing seen flying there were clouds, not even birds, which, Miranda thought, was a bad sign. She fell asleep again and woke up abruptly to Kevin easing himself down on top of her. A brief struggle ensued but he pinned her down with the weight of his body.
"Listen up Miranda," He said holding her down. "I'm a lot stronger than you. If I wanted to, I could just throw you overboard for the sharks, no one would ever know. Understand?"
Miranda's blue eyes widened as her instinct to scream overwhelmed her.
Kevin laughed when she screamed. "No one is going to hear you. You think the sharks will help?" Miranda began to cry and he smiled cruelly. "You scream all you want baby but you had better cooperate or I will use you as bait to go fishing, understand?" Miranda thought about trying to fight him, but it was impossible. He was huge compared to her and even if she could throw him overboard there was no way she could paddle the dingy faster than he could swim. He slapped her hard. "Understand?" He said again. Miranda 's head began to throb terribly and she nodded as she felt blood run down her neck from the gash on her head.
"I hate women like you. Always think you're better than everyone else. I was watching you when you got on the plane, you've got a hot body." He buried a rough kiss against her unwilling lips and instantly she bit down hard. He came up cursing and hurled her over the side of the raft. The cold water was a shock. Miranda panicked as she realized she was now swimming in the middle of the ocean. Kevin sneered as the tide began to carry him away and she screamed swimming after him.
"Don't leave me here, please!"
Slowly he paddled back to her. "Going to behave bitch?" His voice was ice cold as blood ran down his chin. Her chin quivered as she looked up at him fearfully.
"Yes, yes, I'll do what you want, just don't leave me here."
Smiling he hauled her back on board and instantly his hands were roaming over her body. "Take off your clothes." He commanded. "All of them."
Miranda bit her lip but complied. She had no choice. Slowly she peeled off her camisole and her breasts hung beautiful and heavy, the nipples hard from the cold water and Kevin watched her hungrily. She unfastened her belt and shimmied out of the ruined slacks so that she was wearing just her pink, silk panties. Kevin reached over and yanked them off of her. Her high heels and trouser socks had been lost in the crash so now she was naked. Without further ado he tossed her clothed overboard and all she could do was shriek in protest.
"Want to join them?" He asked, and she meekly shook her head. She was completely naked now and very embarrassed. She was all honey tanned flesh and golden hair. Her neatly trimmed snatch shone like gold in the brilliant sunlight and Kevin laughed aloud. "Christ, a natural blonde." He climbed up her body, suckling her nipples into his mouth and ran his rough hands down her sensitive flesh to her dry, unwelcoming cunt. He slid down her body and parted the lips of her vagina with his fingers.
Miranda lay tense and unmoving on her back on the floor of the raft, trying to remove herself from the situation in her mind. She was jerked quickly back into her body however, when he began to suck her clit, his warm, wet tongue rolling over her sensitive nub. David never, never did that and she leaped a mile as his mouth caressed her. He growled against her cunt and held her hips down with his hands, reminding her to stay still once again. He pushed her knees apart with his hands and went to work on her. He circled her clit with his tongue and traced a path down to her tight slit.
He sucked hard on her clit making her quiver and Miranda squirmed as electricity sparked through her hips. Her blood rushed downward to her cunt and the gentle rolling ocean waves only aided in the alien sensations she was being flooded with. As her body moistened to his touch he slid a finger up inside of her and Miranda clenched her teeth as her fucked her and sucked her clit. She tried to fight the impending built of orgasm but she could no more resist it then she could fly to safety and as the tidal wave swept over her she had to bite her lip from crying out as her body arched right up off the raft. Kevin laughed cruelly. "I knew you would enjoy this you dumb cunt."
"Get on your knees." The command was spoken roughly and whimpering, wondering what horrible things he would do to her now, she obeyed climbing to her knees and holding on to the rope that ran all around the raft. His eyes roamed over her tight, tan ass and that sweet, tight cunt and he grinned to himself. His most forbidden fantasies were finally coming true.
Miranda jumped a mile when she felt his hot, throbbing cock brush against her thigh. Kevin reached around, fondling her nipples as he teased her clitoris with his cock. He ran his hands down her body and lifted her open sliding effortlessly into the tight confines of her pussy. Miranda gasped as he slid himself inside of her. His cock pushed through the slick canal of her vagina spreading her wide open. He had to be twice as thick as David and at least three or four inches longer.
She felt the wave of erotic sensation that always accompanies first entrance and struggled desperately with the instinct to push back against him. She gripped harder onto the rough rope and felt it cut into her hands. He placed a hand on each of her hips and slowly, savoring it, began to fuck her. His strokes were deep and slow stroking a coal buried deep within her.
He slid out and then back in, his breathing became ragged as he slowly picked up speed until he was fucking her very hard and fast and Miranda could no longer stop her body from pushing back to meet him. Her mouth hung wide open as she grasped the rope strangled cries emanating from her parted lips and her hair spilling loose and falling like gold all around her. Kevin clung harder as he thrust again and again his cock imbedding itself in the now welcoming wet snatch.
Miranda groaned as his cock sank itself up to the hilt again and again, hitting the smoldering embers within her over and over. She gasped pushing back against him and gasped more when his pace quickened. He began to slow then reaching a hand around to caress her swollen clit, his cock still sliding rock hard in and out of her tight cunt. She could feel herself opening and closing around his throbbing hardness and the sensation was amazing. Where his fingers touched her clit it felt like a fire was burning and she trembled, becoming unbelievably tight when she came to orgasm.
Kevin smiled as he pulled out her, his dick glistened in the sunlight from her pussy juices and he tenderly massaged her ass as he leaned close to whisper in her ear. "Did you like that baby?" Miranda froze, still clinging to the life raft; she couldn't believe this was happening to her. She was instantly bombarded by guilt and disgust. As soon as she got off this godforsaken raft she was sending this pervert straight to prison. As if reading her mind he grabbed her and flipped her around to face him.
"If you breathe a word of this to anyone when we're rescued, you're reputation will be ruined. I know what kind of high-class society bitch you are. What will your husband think? By the way, I threw your wedding ring into the ocean."
Miranda's jaw dropped and he took the opportunity to shove his dick in her face.
"Suck it bitch, and if you bite I'll throw you in and leave you there for good." Miranda felt her resolve crumbling once again. She was helpless. What else could she do? Tears began to course down her cheeks as she took his cock into her mouth. Kevin groaned as her lips wrapped around his cock.
"Suck it like you mean it slut and you had better make it good." Knowing he wasn't kidding she began to suck his cock, taking it deep into her mouth she caressed it with he tongue like a pro. David liked her to give him head; it was harder with Kevin because he had such a huge cock. Her pussy throbbed and twitched beneath her.
Traitor, she thought. Kevin groaned as her hot wet mouth engulfed his throbbing cock. God she was good. When he felt himself approach orgasm he pulled he away and pushed her onto her back. Taking each of her legs up over his shoulders he thrust his cock into her swollen cunt and began to fuck her hard.
Miranda gasped as his huge member sunk mercilessly into her pussy. She felt her snatch immediately tight, swallowing his huge cock and she clung to each side of the raft as he fucked her, ramming his dick deep inside of her. After a moment, he trembled clinging to her legs as his balls tightened and he came. A sick feeling washed over Miranda. She and David were trying to have children so she wasn't on the pill. What if she wound up pregnant? She could feel his cock twitching inside of her and shifted slightly so he could pull out.
Feeling her move beneath him, Kevin grasped her legs and pulled her body up hard against his cock. He held her there for a long ten minutes fucking her so slowly and moving such a small amount that the fire in Miranda's loins began to ignite again. When he had recovered he began to move harder and faster. "Tell me how good it feels." He commanded.
"Tell me you love it." Miranda felt humiliation wash over her. He fucked her steadily, not too fast, his huge, hard cock sinking itself in her tight snatch. He kept it up, over and over, never ceasing, just fucking at that steady pace until she was groaning beneath him. "Tell me." He commanded. He fucked her. "Tell me." He kept fucking her, his hard cock swelling, filling up all the available space as he continued to fuck her, in and out. God it felt so good, his slick member riding in and out of her as the waves assisted. He fucked her a little harder digging his fingers into her legs. "Tell me." He said again and she shuddered as she body tightened around his cock. He kept fucking right through her orgasm, never changing his pace and his thick shaft tortured her.
"Oh god…" She gasped as she felt another orgasm right on the heels of the first. He gripped her harder pumping his cock in and out of her in a steady rhythm. "Tell me." He commanded quietly still fucking her. "Yes, yes," She whimpered grinding her hips against him. "God please, oh god, fuck me." He leaned over and kissed her then, still fucking but his dick was going much deeper now that he was leaning forward and she cried out against his lips bucking up to meet his thrusts.
He kept it up like that for a few minutes and then flipped her back onto her knees and started fucking her really hard. He fucked for all he was worth shoving in and out of her like a steam engine; sweat dripping from his brow as he drove into her again and again. He fucked her for a good long ten minutes while she screamed and drove her hips back to meet his every thrust. Finally they both exploded in orgasm and he collapsed on top of her leaving his cock shoved inside of her for an hour or more while he slept, pinning her down. It shrank and then grew huge again inside of her and each time she squirmed to get away he would buck his hips a few time, fucking her grandly for a moment and then grow still again.
Finally he awoke, still buried inside of her and began to fuck her slowly. She had fallen asleep by then and woke up to his slow stroking. She groaned, her sore, swollen pussy welcoming the invasion. He kept it up for five minutes or so, the slow, steady fucking and spilled himself inside her once again. He pulled out after a few minutes and made her stay that way, butt up in the air while he licked her pussy clean. She groaned and leaned back against his face as another orgasm shook her.
Two days passed this way with her fighting it and loving it. Finally one day in the middle of a grand fuck session a helicopter came out of nowhere and the four men inside gaped at what they saw. A beautiful woman getting royally fucked, gasping and loving it in the middle of the ocean.
They landed on the water and took the two crash victims inside, they could have offered her a blanket but they didn't, choosing instead to stare at her beautiful body as they flew towards Hawaii. Once there they gave her a blanket to wrap up in and she finally got to go home to her husband.
Miranda was convinced she was going to call the police until the helicopter operators saw her fucking the man with all she was worth. She never told David about it either and when she wound up pregnant three months later, she knew she could never tell him about Kevin. It was her secret, her erotic fantasy memory that she often looked back on with fondness. She never saw Kevin again, except in her fantasies.
"Business or pleasure?" He asked referring, no doubt, to the fact that they would be landing in Hawaii soon. Turning her gaze to the tall, broad shouldered gentleman, Miranda shifted her hold on the magazine she was reading so that her glittering wedding ring could be clearly seen. She had no interest in the man beside her, other then someone to talk to.
"Neither," She said with a small smile. "I'm going home." The man arched both brows and put down the book he was reading. Miranda glanced at the title, Forbidden, it said in fiery red letters featuring a very realistic and graphic depiction of a half nude woman tied to a stone alter. She felt a slight wave of unease.
"You're from Hawaii?" He asked, stating the obvious and Miranda smiled nervously, twisting the ring on her finger. "Yes." Just then the stewardess finally came over with her order and Miranda took it gratefully, wishing it were something stronger, but she wanted to greet her husband, David, with a clear head. She had missed him terribly in the three weeks she had been gone and frankly she was looking forward to a long, hot bath and a good fuck. Never having been with another man, Miranda had no basis for comparison when she said her husband was fabulous in bed. He was a gentle, generous lover who demanded very little and gave a lot. Thinking of what awaited her she shifted slightly in her seat and tried to get a look out the window. The man was still watching her.
"Homesick?" He asked, and Miranda paused to get a better look at him. He wasn't classically handsome but he had an interesting face. He had very short dark hair and stoic green eyes. She would have bet money that he was single, single and looking, it was apparent.
She tried to sound to impatient. "A little, yes." The man's gaze slid over her wedding ring that she was twisting. He smirked, as if amused by something.
"Miss your husband?" He asked in a tone that was more than conversational. Miranda eyed the man.
"Yes…very much." She said carefully.
The man leaned over, very close to her. "I bet I can guess what you miss the most."
Miranda's eyebrows shot up as she stared at him. How dare he? "Excuse me?" Her tone was cold.
He smiled brightly and picked up his book again. "Sorry, I'll just go back to my book now." Miranda frowned and rifled impatiently through her magazine. She was not reassured by the fact that they still had three hours yet to fly before she was home.
Miranda was a beautiful woman. She was turning thirty-four in three weeks but she looked ten years younger. Her long platinum blonde hair was most often seen in a sleek French braid that hung nearly to her waist nicely complimenting her copper complexion and clear blue eyes. Today she had it pinned up in a neat twist that completely hit the secret of its luxurious length. She wore a cream-colored travel suit that showed the delicious curves of her magnificent body. Miranda was proud of her figure. She was always sure to eat smart and exercise daily, mostly for David who couldn't stand an ounce of fat, but somewhat for herself too.
The dipping neckline of the silk jacket extenuated her deliciously heavy breasts and its cinched waist, held in place by a delicate gold chain showed her catlike slenderness. The man beside her took all of this in from the corner of his eye, and Miranda could sense him watching her. She scanned the plane for an empty seat but they were filled to capacity. She clenched her teeth and picked up her wine to take a sip. The plane trembled and a goodly amount of the dark fluid splashed across the front of her jacket. Miranda frowned deeply as she called for a stewardess. She dabbed soda water on the fine silk as she inwardly seethed. She had wanted to look nice for David and now her best travel suit was ruined.
"Everyone, we're going through a pretty bad storm and might experience some turbulence, the captain requests that everyone fasten their seatbelts and please refrain from leaving your seats." The chipper young stewardess smiled sweetly at the passengers aboard and a collective sigh was heard amidst the sound of two hundred seatbelts fastening.
Glancing out the window, Miranda's stomach clenched at what she saw. Dark angry clouds swirled all around them, lightning flashed and the plane groaned as it hit another pocket of air. The sighing soon stopped and was replaced by an eerie silence as everyone tried to stay calm. The plane bucked and dipped in the storm and people grabbed for airsick bags. The putrid smell of vomit filled the cabin as the plane veered off to the left, and then the right and the smell of smoke filled the air. People began to panic, steward call lights went off right and left but they were all buckled in and not responding.
A sudden nosedive had Miranda grasping the seat in front of her to keep from slamming backward. Oxygen masks dropped suddenly from the ceiling and Miranda felt a wave of panic as she struggled to put hers on. Someone screamed and the plane started spinning, making everything blur and distort.
We're upside down. Miranda thought. I'm going to die! It was clear the plane was in trouble. It spun and flipped through the sky like a fighter jet, but unlike a fighter jet, it was heading straight for the ocean. Screaming was heard as through the windows the ocean was rushing up to meet them. A sickening crunch was heard as one wing was ripped from the plane. Miranda screamed and then the plane hit and her world went black.
It was the cold, not so much the water itself that awoke Miranda. Surrounded by flaming wreckage and huge, angry waves, Miranda surfaced in the frigid water and felt a wave of burning pain overtake her. Her vision spun crazily as a huge wave lifted her high into the air and sent her crashing back down, down, down deep into the water. She couldn't breathe, she panicked, and then as she surfaced, strong hands were lifting her, pulling her into a dingy. She passed out again from the pain.
Miranda awoke to a throbbing pain in her temples and the sensation of constant movement that made her nauseous. She slowly, painfully opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was yellow. Shiny yellow, pushing herself up on one elbow she realized it was very early morning and she was in a yellow, rubber life raft…lost at sea. Panic overwhelmed her and she spun about. There was only one other person in the lifeboat, the man who had been sitting beside her and he was staring out at the water.
"Oh my god…" Miranda's voice shook. "Oh my god, where are we?" Pain throbbed in her head as she spoke and the man turned to look at her.
"I really don't know I'm afraid." He said calmly. Miranda searched for signs of other life, anything, anything but the miles of flat blue ocean that surrounded them. There was nothing to see, nothing but water. At least the storm seemed to be over. They were lifted high on ocean waves but set gently back down to be lifted again. Miranda tried to calm down, to take stock what they had to survive and of her condition. Her clothes were wet, dirty, and torn, but still intact.
The gold chain dangled uselessly at her side. There was no blood that she could see, but her head throbbed painfully. A gentle examination brought her fingers away red and she realized that she had a gash above her ear. Considering everything that had happened, it seemed she had gotten away quite lucky. Her hair was still halfway pinned up, long tresses of it falling down, some streaked with red. She pinned it back up with shaking fingers and turned her attention to the man who was watching her.
"Are you okay?" She asked him.
He nodded lying back against the raft. "I have a terrible headache and I feel a little sick but I think I'm all right."
Miranda swallowed. "Did…did anyone else survive? Do you know what happened?"
The man shook his head. "No I just grabbed the flotation device under my seat, you can thank me later. I didn't see anyone and I don't know what direction to go so I'm just letting the ocean carry us."
Miranda felt a wave of sickness wash over her. "We're lost at sea." She all but whispered and he scooted closer to her to put a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. They'll find us, today probably." Miranda swallowed. Her throat was very dry.
"How long has it been, do we have any supplies?" He opened a tiny pouch in the side of a raft and pulled out a bright orange nylon bag. He handed her a nearly full water bottle. "It's just been the night, the storm stopped a couple of hours ago. We have five of these, three flares, and ten aluminum pouches that I suspect are food." Miranda gratefully accepted the water taking a long drink. She could have swallowed the whole thing but she knew they should save it. "And there is a first aid bag, let me see your ear."
Miranda let him dab some iodine on her wound, but since there wasn't much else to be done, it had to be left at that. It stung badly and he gave her two aspirin, also found in the first aid pouch. "Did you use a flare?" She asked him. He nodded. "There were five total, I used one right away and another after the storm ended. Don't worry too much, they know where the plane went down, they'll find us."
Miranda nodded choking back her tears. She noticed with some displeasure that that her wedding ring was gone, undoubtedly, lost forever. She pulled her knees up to her chest and tried to fight the motion sickness. "What's your name?" She asked him. He held out his hand, a ridiculous gesture of greeting in their current predicament, but it would have to do. She took his hand slowly.
"Kevin." He told her. "And you?"
"Miranda." She said and he offered her a smile. "Good to meet you…although I think it could have happened in a better way." The sun slowly started to beat down on them making the temperature shoot up to an uncomfortably sticky heat and Miranda took off her jacket. She was just wearing a camisole underneath but it didn't seem like a time for modesty. Her body screamed for water and she took a tiny sip.
"At least I get to work on my tan." She offered with a lame smile and Kevin laughed. "I'm going to turn tomato red I can already tell." He said also removing his shirt. They both scanned the sky for signs of help, but it was clear and blue and the only thing seen flying there were clouds, not even birds, which, Miranda thought, was a bad sign. She fell asleep again and woke up abruptly to Kevin easing himself down on top of her. A brief struggle ensued but he pinned her down with the weight of his body.
"Listen up Miranda," He said holding her down. "I'm a lot stronger than you. If I wanted to, I could just throw you overboard for the sharks, no one would ever know. Understand?"
Miranda's blue eyes widened as her instinct to scream overwhelmed her.
Kevin laughed when she screamed. "No one is going to hear you. You think the sharks will help?" Miranda began to cry and he smiled cruelly. "You scream all you want baby but you had better cooperate or I will use you as bait to go fishing, understand?" Miranda thought about trying to fight him, but it was impossible. He was huge compared to her and even if she could throw him overboard there was no way she could paddle the dingy faster than he could swim. He slapped her hard. "Understand?" He said again. Miranda 's head began to throb terribly and she nodded as she felt blood run down her neck from the gash on her head.
"I hate women like you. Always think you're better than everyone else. I was watching you when you got on the plane, you've got a hot body." He buried a rough kiss against her unwilling lips and instantly she bit down hard. He came up cursing and hurled her over the side of the raft. The cold water was a shock. Miranda panicked as she realized she was now swimming in the middle of the ocean. Kevin sneered as the tide began to carry him away and she screamed swimming after him.
"Don't leave me here, please!"
Slowly he paddled back to her. "Going to behave bitch?" His voice was ice cold as blood ran down his chin. Her chin quivered as she looked up at him fearfully.
"Yes, yes, I'll do what you want, just don't leave me here."
Smiling he hauled her back on board and instantly his hands were roaming over her body. "Take off your clothes." He commanded. "All of them."
Miranda bit her lip but complied. She had no choice. Slowly she peeled off her camisole and her breasts hung beautiful and heavy, the nipples hard from the cold water and Kevin watched her hungrily. She unfastened her belt and shimmied out of the ruined slacks so that she was wearing just her pink, silk panties. Kevin reached over and yanked them off of her. Her high heels and trouser socks had been lost in the crash so now she was naked. Without further ado he tossed her clothed overboard and all she could do was shriek in protest.
"Want to join them?" He asked, and she meekly shook her head. She was completely naked now and very embarrassed. She was all honey tanned flesh and golden hair. Her neatly trimmed snatch shone like gold in the brilliant sunlight and Kevin laughed aloud. "Christ, a natural blonde." He climbed up her body, suckling her nipples into his mouth and ran his rough hands down her sensitive flesh to her dry, unwelcoming cunt. He slid down her body and parted the lips of her vagina with his fingers.
Miranda lay tense and unmoving on her back on the floor of the raft, trying to remove herself from the situation in her mind. She was jerked quickly back into her body however, when he began to suck her clit, his warm, wet tongue rolling over her sensitive nub. David never, never did that and she leaped a mile as his mouth caressed her. He growled against her cunt and held her hips down with his hands, reminding her to stay still once again. He pushed her knees apart with his hands and went to work on her. He circled her clit with his tongue and traced a path down to her tight slit.
He sucked hard on her clit making her quiver and Miranda squirmed as electricity sparked through her hips. Her blood rushed downward to her cunt and the gentle rolling ocean waves only aided in the alien sensations she was being flooded with. As her body moistened to his touch he slid a finger up inside of her and Miranda clenched her teeth as her fucked her and sucked her clit. She tried to fight the impending built of orgasm but she could no more resist it then she could fly to safety and as the tidal wave swept over her she had to bite her lip from crying out as her body arched right up off the raft. Kevin laughed cruelly. "I knew you would enjoy this you dumb cunt."
"Get on your knees." The command was spoken roughly and whimpering, wondering what horrible things he would do to her now, she obeyed climbing to her knees and holding on to the rope that ran all around the raft. His eyes roamed over her tight, tan ass and that sweet, tight cunt and he grinned to himself. His most forbidden fantasies were finally coming true.
Miranda jumped a mile when she felt his hot, throbbing cock brush against her thigh. Kevin reached around, fondling her nipples as he teased her clitoris with his cock. He ran his hands down her body and lifted her open sliding effortlessly into the tight confines of her pussy. Miranda gasped as he slid himself inside of her. His cock pushed through the slick canal of her vagina spreading her wide open. He had to be twice as thick as David and at least three or four inches longer.
She felt the wave of erotic sensation that always accompanies first entrance and struggled desperately with the instinct to push back against him. She gripped harder onto the rough rope and felt it cut into her hands. He placed a hand on each of her hips and slowly, savoring it, began to fuck her. His strokes were deep and slow stroking a coal buried deep within her.
He slid out and then back in, his breathing became ragged as he slowly picked up speed until he was fucking her very hard and fast and Miranda could no longer stop her body from pushing back to meet him. Her mouth hung wide open as she grasped the rope strangled cries emanating from her parted lips and her hair spilling loose and falling like gold all around her. Kevin clung harder as he thrust again and again his cock imbedding itself in the now welcoming wet snatch.
Miranda groaned as his cock sank itself up to the hilt again and again, hitting the smoldering embers within her over and over. She gasped pushing back against him and gasped more when his pace quickened. He began to slow then reaching a hand around to caress her swollen clit, his cock still sliding rock hard in and out of her tight cunt. She could feel herself opening and closing around his throbbing hardness and the sensation was amazing. Where his fingers touched her clit it felt like a fire was burning and she trembled, becoming unbelievably tight when she came to orgasm.
Kevin smiled as he pulled out her, his dick glistened in the sunlight from her pussy juices and he tenderly massaged her ass as he leaned close to whisper in her ear. "Did you like that baby?" Miranda froze, still clinging to the life raft; she couldn't believe this was happening to her. She was instantly bombarded by guilt and disgust. As soon as she got off this godforsaken raft she was sending this pervert straight to prison. As if reading her mind he grabbed her and flipped her around to face him.
"If you breathe a word of this to anyone when we're rescued, you're reputation will be ruined. I know what kind of high-class society bitch you are. What will your husband think? By the way, I threw your wedding ring into the ocean."
Miranda's jaw dropped and he took the opportunity to shove his dick in her face.
"Suck it bitch, and if you bite I'll throw you in and leave you there for good." Miranda felt her resolve crumbling once again. She was helpless. What else could she do? Tears began to course down her cheeks as she took his cock into her mouth. Kevin groaned as her lips wrapped around his cock.
"Suck it like you mean it slut and you had better make it good." Knowing he wasn't kidding she began to suck his cock, taking it deep into her mouth she caressed it with he tongue like a pro. David liked her to give him head; it was harder with Kevin because he had such a huge cock. Her pussy throbbed and twitched beneath her.
Traitor, she thought. Kevin groaned as her hot wet mouth engulfed his throbbing cock. God she was good. When he felt himself approach orgasm he pulled he away and pushed her onto her back. Taking each of her legs up over his shoulders he thrust his cock into her swollen cunt and began to fuck her hard.
Miranda gasped as his huge member sunk mercilessly into her pussy. She felt her snatch immediately tight, swallowing his huge cock and she clung to each side of the raft as he fucked her, ramming his dick deep inside of her. After a moment, he trembled clinging to her legs as his balls tightened and he came. A sick feeling washed over Miranda. She and David were trying to have children so she wasn't on the pill. What if she wound up pregnant? She could feel his cock twitching inside of her and shifted slightly so he could pull out.
Feeling her move beneath him, Kevin grasped her legs and pulled her body up hard against his cock. He held her there for a long ten minutes fucking her so slowly and moving such a small amount that the fire in Miranda's loins began to ignite again. When he had recovered he began to move harder and faster. "Tell me how good it feels." He commanded.
"Tell me you love it." Miranda felt humiliation wash over her. He fucked her steadily, not too fast, his huge, hard cock sinking itself in her tight snatch. He kept it up, over and over, never ceasing, just fucking at that steady pace until she was groaning beneath him. "Tell me." He commanded. He fucked her. "Tell me." He kept fucking her, his hard cock swelling, filling up all the available space as he continued to fuck her, in and out. God it felt so good, his slick member riding in and out of her as the waves assisted. He fucked her a little harder digging his fingers into her legs. "Tell me." He said again and she shuddered as she body tightened around his cock. He kept fucking right through her orgasm, never changing his pace and his thick shaft tortured her.
"Oh god…" She gasped as she felt another orgasm right on the heels of the first. He gripped her harder pumping his cock in and out of her in a steady rhythm. "Tell me." He commanded quietly still fucking her. "Yes, yes," She whimpered grinding her hips against him. "God please, oh god, fuck me." He leaned over and kissed her then, still fucking but his dick was going much deeper now that he was leaning forward and she cried out against his lips bucking up to meet his thrusts.
He kept it up like that for a few minutes and then flipped her back onto her knees and started fucking her really hard. He fucked for all he was worth shoving in and out of her like a steam engine; sweat dripping from his brow as he drove into her again and again. He fucked her for a good long ten minutes while she screamed and drove her hips back to meet his every thrust. Finally they both exploded in orgasm and he collapsed on top of her leaving his cock shoved inside of her for an hour or more while he slept, pinning her down. It shrank and then grew huge again inside of her and each time she squirmed to get away he would buck his hips a few time, fucking her grandly for a moment and then grow still again.
Finally he awoke, still buried inside of her and began to fuck her slowly. She had fallen asleep by then and woke up to his slow stroking. She groaned, her sore, swollen pussy welcoming the invasion. He kept it up for five minutes or so, the slow, steady fucking and spilled himself inside her once again. He pulled out after a few minutes and made her stay that way, butt up in the air while he licked her pussy clean. She groaned and leaned back against his face as another orgasm shook her.
Two days passed this way with her fighting it and loving it. Finally one day in the middle of a grand fuck session a helicopter came out of nowhere and the four men inside gaped at what they saw. A beautiful woman getting royally fucked, gasping and loving it in the middle of the ocean.
They landed on the water and took the two crash victims inside, they could have offered her a blanket but they didn't, choosing instead to stare at her beautiful body as they flew towards Hawaii. Once there they gave her a blanket to wrap up in and she finally got to go home to her husband.
Miranda was convinced she was going to call the police until the helicopter operators saw her fucking the man with all she was worth. She never told David about it either and when she wound up pregnant three months later, she knew she could never tell him about Kevin. It was her secret, her erotic fantasy memory that she often looked back on with fondness. She never saw Kevin again, except in her fantasies.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

1. In a previous article I said that a multiracial country needs a strong Government.
2. A weak Government would not be able to deal with the quarrelling between the races, which is the natural tendency of most multiracial societies. Indeed in some multiracial countries violence and fighting are common. Witness the countries around us.
3. For the slightest reason the races would be at each other's throats. One incident was the reaction in some countries because of the currency crisis.
4. Even religious differences can lead to conflict and violence. We see this in Northern Ireland, Lebanon, India, Indonesia and elsewhere. It is important to remember that in Malaysia racial differences are associated with religious differences. We are already seeing incidents involving religious differences.
4. Even religious differences can lead to conflict and violence. We see this in Northern Ireland, Lebanon, India, Indonesia and elsewhere. It is important to remember that in Malaysia racial differences are associated with religious differences. We are already seeing incidents involving religious differences.
5. We now have a weak Government and clearly it is incapable of dealing with the tendency towards conflicts because of race and religion. Because of its weakness it commands little respect and even the weakest parties would thumb its collective noses at the Government. The Government apparently has no idea how to handle these problems. We see it apologising only to have it's apologies rejected.
6. The worst part is to find its apologies causing anger among the race for whom it is apologising. It has managed to displease everyone; to please no one.
7. Admittedly even a powerful Government, if it is incompetent and badly led would not manage to govern a multiracial country well. We see this happening with the present Government. In 2004 the people gave it almost unlimited power. But it was not able to use the power well and the people decided to reduce drastically its power. Now we see it floundering about, unable to deal with the sensitivities of a multiracial country.
8. The BN was a 14-party coalition of big and small parties. Because it was powerful the component parties did not challenge it. They know if they left the coalition they would be unable to exert any pressure on anyone.
9. Even if they join the opposition they would not be able to reduce the coalition's two-third majority enough to bring it down. For that reason none of the component parties would want to leave the coalition.
10. On the other hand a coalition of two parties would be very weak. This is because the bigger party need the smaller partner in order to achieve majority to form the Government.
11. Such a Government would be unstable as the smaller party could always threaten to leave and thus bring down the Government. On the other hand the smaller party can join the opposition giving it the majority to form a new Government.
12. The reason the BN was able to create political stability before was because it could not be threatened by any one of its component parties. If any one left the Coalition would not collapse. The party quitting would be out in the wilderness.
13. Presently because the Government coalition is weak every little party can thumb its nose at the Government. The Coalition Government could not afford to lose any component party's support. It is also not in a position to discipline its component parties.
14. The weak Government lives in fear of being toppled by its components switching side to support the opposition. That is why we see such silly things as sending members of Parliament to a foreign country ostensibly to study agriculture.
15. What does it mean to a multiracial country to have weak Government? The Government would not be able to concentrate on governing because it has to deal with continuous threats by its components of different races.
16. The stability of the country would be undermined. This would be bad for the economy. We are seeing today investors pulling out their money by the billions from the stock market; we are seeing little investment either by locals or foreign investors.
17. The trade balance is in our favour not because of anything smart done by this weak Government, but because the prices of oil, palm oil and rubber on the world market are very high (although now the prices are declining).
18. Generally the economy is bad, as bad as the race politics that we are seeing. The people are the ones to pay the price. They are suffering from high prices with no compensating increase in income.
19. We have had strong Governments for almost 50 years. When we gained independence few gave us any chance. They foresaw racial clashes and political instability.
20. But they are wrong. With strong Governments in place, the bickering between races was reduced. The country was stabilised and with that the economy grew. The objective of becoming a developed country by 2020 seems possible.
21. Now with this weak Government, with incompetent leadership the country is not developing as fast as it used to.
22. In a single ethnic country it does not matter if the Government is weak because it will not have to deal with the heavy pressure of racial conflicts even if the Government is less competent.
23. My observation of Malaysian politics over the last 50 years has convinced that a powerful Government lead by competent leaders is necessary for multi-racial Malaysia.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Anwar says he still has support to seize power

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - - Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said Tuesday he still has enough support to topple the government and is deliberating over how to carry out his delayed plan to seize power.
Anwar dismissed a looming leadership transition in the ruling coalition, saying it would fail to win popular support and would do nothing to reform an administration mired in corruption.
Anwar said last month more than 31 lawmakers from the Barisan Nasional coalition were willing to switch sides and called on Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to agree to negotiations on a handover of power.
Abdullah has refused and Anwar has since said pulling off the first change of government in Malaysia's half-century history was a difficult task that could take some time.
"I am pleased by the general enthusiasm expressed by Malaysians who want to see change and rid this country of racism and corruption," Anwar said Tuesday.
Despite the delay in his plans, the 31 lawmakers "have given me their support and they have not reneged on their support," he said.
Anwar said leaders of the three parties in the opposition alliance were meeting Tuesday to explore their options.
An official from Anwar's Keadilan party said the strategies included seeking an audience with Malaysia's king, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, to claim a mandate to rule.
Parliament resumes next Monday and the defecting lawmakers could physically cross the floor to show a change in allegiance.
And although the premier can under the constitution block any attempt to mount a vote of no confidence, opposition lawmakers can propose an ordinary motion criticising Abdullah, the official said.
Abdullah, who led the coalition to its worst ever performance in elections this year, is expected to announce Wednesday whether he will stand aside next March in favour of his deputy Najib Razak.
"I don't believe that Najib will be able to garner support or credibility, or manage the economy and rid the country of corruption," Anwar said.
"We are talking about a corrupt and rotten system, we are talking about a mismanaged system under Abdullah and I believe it is going to be worse under Najib."
Anwar is battling a sodomy charge which he says is politically motivated.
He has been accused of sodomising a 23-year-old former aide -- the same charge that saw him jailed a decade ago after he was sacked as deputy prime minister.
The opposition leader had a small victory in court Tuesday when a judge fended off a government attempt to move the case to the High Court.
Anwar, who has said he fears the government could fix the trial if it is heard in the higher court, questioned the motivation of Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, whom he is suing in connection with his earlier conviction.
"I am concerned only about the issue of fair trial. I am finding it difficult to understand why the attorney-general is so desperate, fighting tooth and nail to get the case out of this court," he said.
The Sessions Court will continue until Wednesday to hear arguments from both sides over the transfer of the case.
Anwar said last month more than 31 lawmakers from the Barisan Nasional coalition were willing to switch sides and called on Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to agree to negotiations on a handover of power.
Abdullah has refused and Anwar has since said pulling off the first change of government in Malaysia's half-century history was a difficult task that could take some time.
"I am pleased by the general enthusiasm expressed by Malaysians who want to see change and rid this country of racism and corruption," Anwar said Tuesday.
Despite the delay in his plans, the 31 lawmakers "have given me their support and they have not reneged on their support," he said.
Anwar said leaders of the three parties in the opposition alliance were meeting Tuesday to explore their options.
An official from Anwar's Keadilan party said the strategies included seeking an audience with Malaysia's king, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, to claim a mandate to rule.
Parliament resumes next Monday and the defecting lawmakers could physically cross the floor to show a change in allegiance.
And although the premier can under the constitution block any attempt to mount a vote of no confidence, opposition lawmakers can propose an ordinary motion criticising Abdullah, the official said.
Abdullah, who led the coalition to its worst ever performance in elections this year, is expected to announce Wednesday whether he will stand aside next March in favour of his deputy Najib Razak.
"I don't believe that Najib will be able to garner support or credibility, or manage the economy and rid the country of corruption," Anwar said.
"We are talking about a corrupt and rotten system, we are talking about a mismanaged system under Abdullah and I believe it is going to be worse under Najib."
Anwar is battling a sodomy charge which he says is politically motivated.
He has been accused of sodomising a 23-year-old former aide -- the same charge that saw him jailed a decade ago after he was sacked as deputy prime minister.
The opposition leader had a small victory in court Tuesday when a judge fended off a government attempt to move the case to the High Court.
Anwar, who has said he fears the government could fix the trial if it is heard in the higher court, questioned the motivation of Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, whom he is suing in connection with his earlier conviction.
"I am concerned only about the issue of fair trial. I am finding it difficult to understand why the attorney-general is so desperate, fighting tooth and nail to get the case out of this court," he said.
The Sessions Court will continue until Wednesday to hear arguments from both sides over the transfer of the case.
Monday, October 6, 2008
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