Friday, August 29, 2008
Erotic Dream
Anwar Stages Walkout
Anwar, back in Malaysia parliament, stages walkout
By VIJAY JOSHI,Associated Press Writer AP - Friday, August 29
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim rejoined Malaysia's Parliament on Thursday, resurrecting his mission to become prime minister a decade after he was charged with sodomy and his career written off.
Hours after he was sworn in, Anwar staged a walkout to protest proposed legislation that critics say is meant to bolster a new sodomy case against him.
Anwar says his alliance is on track to topple the government by Sept. 16 with defections from the governing National Front coalition, which has ruled Malaysia since its independence from Britain in 1957.
"I am glad to be back after a decade. I really feel vindicated. I feel great," Anwar said on Thursday.
Anwar was forced to resign his Parliament seat in 1999 amid a sodomy allegation and was jailed for six years after he was convicted of corruption and sodomizing his family driver. The sodomy conviction was overturned by Malaysia's top court in 2004.
A special election was held Tuesday after his wife vacated her seat, which she had held for two terms during Anwar's political exile. He regained the seat in a landslide victory.
Anwar's triumph came on the heels of big gains by the opposition in the March general elections that loosened the governing National Front's 51-year grip on power.
The Front returned to power with a simple majority of 140 seats in the 222-member house. Anwar's People's Alliance coalition increased its strength from 19 to 82 seats and needs 30 more to form a government.
"Anwar _ whatever we think of him and many of us are deeply skeptical _ is looking more and more like our future prime minister," columnist Karim Raslan wrote in The Star daily on Thursday. "There is a mounting sense of inevitability to his impending succession."
Tuesday's election also was a gauge of public anger against Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration, which the opposition has painted as corrupt, inefficient and uncaring toward minorities.
The opposition promises to scrap Malaysia's decades-old system of preferences for ethnic Malays. The government says that would jeopardize the country's unity.
Within hours of being sworn in on Thursday, Anwar led the opposition in a walkout to protest a proposed law that would make it mandatory for criminal suspects to provide DNA samples.
Critics say the law is meant to target Anwar, who has been accused of sodomizing a 23-year-old male aide in case separate from the 1999 one.
Anwar has dismissed the allegation as a "sickening" government conspiracy to prevent his rise to prime minister and has refused to give a DNA sample to police, saying he fears it would be tampered with.
A court will hear his case on Sept. 10 to set a date for the trial. Under Malaysian law, even consensual sodomy is punishable by up to 20 years in jail if convicted.
On Thursday, Home Minister Syed Hamid's closing speech on the DNA legislation debate was interrupted numerous times by heckling opposition lawmakers.
Just as Syed Hamid was finishing his speech, Anwar led all opposition members in a walkout, watched by stunned government lawmakers. He told reporters that the opposition had demanded the setting up of a select committee to study the bill first.
"We have walked out because they have refused to respond" to the request, he said. "So there's no point in staying and participating in this debate."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Jessie & Matthew's Awesome First Time
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
An Old Man And Alice
After a few moments he gave her a long slow lick again but this time dragged his tongue all the way to her asshole and lingered there, licking the tight rosebud, then working up a bit of spit he got it nice and wet and then slipped a finger in as he licked around it.Alice was shocked, as much because he was doing this as by the fact that it felt so good.Having loosened her up a bit, Mr. Burns stood and, wetting himself in her juices and with a bit of spit rubbed in with his palm as well, he began pushing his hard cock slowly into her ass.Finally, she struggled a bit, telling him no, and she didn't want him to fuck her there.With that he rammed himself home and brought his hands up in front of her to pinch her nipples hard. Tears streaming down her face she sobbed and bucked against him."Calm down, Alice." his voice was sharp at first and then became soothing. "I would have been gentler but your body is mine and you must never tell me no."As her body and her tears quieted, he began pumping in and out of her asshole, admiring how huge he looked slipping in and out of that tiny hole. Before long he began slapping her ass in rhythm with his pumping and finally he let go and pulled out just in time to shoot a load of hot cum all over her ass and lower back. He held her in place as he collected himself and then asked her again."Did you come yet, Alice?""No," she said quietly."Good, I'm almost ready to let you."Mr. Burns ran his hand through the cum on her ass, rubbing it it."First, I just want to make sure you understand that you are mine and must do everything that I say. Turn around Alice and drop to your knees in front of me."Alice did as she was told and prepared herself to lick his limp cock as he couldn't possibly still be hard.Instead he showed her his oversized hand, now covered in gobs of his cum from her back. He had coated both sides and scooped up a large puddle which had settled into the middle of his palm."Once you clean this mess from my hand, I'll give you relief."Alice glanced up and saw the dark look in his face. She knew if she refused that he would punish her again. By spanking or even worse.Slowly, she lowered her head and began licking his fingers, barely grazing them at first and then as the thought of what she was being forced to do and the fact that she was actually doing it and still needed to come so badly sunk in she began sucking at his fingers one by one. When all trace of cum was gone from his fingers she lapped at the puddle in his palm, letting strands of it stretch from her tongue to his hand as she swallowed as she'd seen women doing on the internet.Finally, he seemed content that she'd done well and pulled her up and to him and for the first time kissed her deeply. "Are you ready to come now?" he asked as they finally broke apart."Yes," she replied, eyes downcast, a bit shy to have to say it so boldly."I want you to beg me then. When you convince me that I should, I will make you come."With that he pushed her back onto his desk so she was sitting on the edge of it, straddling him in his chair. He brought her feet up to rest on the armrests of his chair which forced her to lean back and put her hands slightly behind her to brace herself. This left her totally exposed and open to him as he sat in his chair between her legs. "Beg me," he prompted. "Convince me."He toyed idly with her nipples, stroking and pinching them, and rubbed and massaged her inner thighs alternately as she began to speak."Please make me come, Mr. Burns," she started softly. "I've never wanted to come so badly. Nobody has ever made me so horny. I'll do anything that you want whenever you want, just please let me come.""Keep going," he urged but his fingers found her clit and began pulling and pinching at it."Oh God, that feels so good," Alice groaned. "You make me feel so good, Mr. Burns, and so dirty. You made me enjoy things today that I thought were disgusting before. "Alice was breathing heavy now and so close to coming."Please make me come, Mr. Burns, I'll do anything you ever want, everything you ever want. I just want to be your little girl and do anything you say until you let me come."With that, Alice's eyes squeezed tightly shut and her whole body began shaking. Her mouth opened wide as she gulped for air and tried to control her body from vibrating right off the desk.Finally, satiated, Alice slid off the desk and curled up in Mr. Burns arms."That was incredible," she murmured."That was just the beginning," answered Mr. Burns.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Supernatural Mirror
The sun was bright this spring morning, and many of the trees were blossoming already. Kathy stould infront of a mirror and looked over her naked body, her lovely round breasts, her tuant stomach and curvy hips. She slid her hand down to her little triangle tuff of hair between her legs and shuddered in delight. She shuddered slightly as her nipples stiffened slightly. "Oh...." she purred softly.
Kathy had only started to explore her young body, learning how to please and tease it on her own. She learned that just by softly teasing her nipples and her little pussy she could make herself so wet. She turned slightly in the mirror and looked at her nice round ass, and purred again. She let out a long breath as she moved herself slowly twords her bed, and glanced at her alarm clock. "Hmm, I have an hour... I can play." she purred to herself before she layed back on it sideways and propped her head up on her pillows so she could watch herself in her full length mirror. She lifted her legs up onto the edge of the bed and spread them wide giving herself a good full view of her naked pink pussy. She let out another breath as her fingers glided between the lips as she let out a soft moan. Her eyes closed as her other hand moved to play and tweak with her nipples
She glanced at the mirror and purred softly a moment as she slid a finger into her little slit and swirled it around, her eyes were locked upon the site of her finger pushing into her body when she saw the mirror ripple slightly and her reflection looked as if there was something else overlapping. She gasped and sat up straight, her eyes locked on the mirror as she pulled her blanket over her body as her own image faded away and left behind the image of a very cute guy. This guy had a dark tan complection and wavy blond hair. She let out a scream as she bolted from her bed moving to the door.
The guy pounded his hands on the mirror as she tore out of her room screaming loudly, running smack into her mother. Her mother grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at her concerned. "Honey what is it?" "There is a guy in my room, a guy in my..." she pointed to her room and her mother went running inside looking around. All that was there was her empty mirror her bed, and her open window. Her mother leaned out of her window looking down at the ground and saw no one. "Honey there isn't anyone here... Paul Paul.." She yelled as Kathy's father came tearing in. "Paul.... Kathy says she saw a man in her room..." Her father waisted no time as he bounded down the stairs to check around the house.
After several moments, and Kathy now dressed her father returned. "He must have gotten away, I'm calling the police, what did he look like." Kathy gave a description and then sat on the edge of her bed, wrapping her arms around her stomach. She didn't dare say she saw him in her mirror, it was probibly just his reflection from the window anyways.
Her father made a report and that was that. Kathy went to finish unpacking the last of her boxes from their move here. She was left alone in her room now, after her window had been shut and locked. Kathy's mother talked about getting her some nice curtains so even if the blinds were up, no one could see inside.
Kathy stould a moment, inspecting her mirror, they had found it in the house and Kathy just fell in love with it, her mother said perhaps with some refinishing and a new stain it would look very nice, and agree'd to let Kathy keep the mirror.
Kathy slid her fingers over the glass, and then started looking behind it. "Yep, just his reflection from my window. She said simply as she pulled the blinds and moved to lock her door. "I'm so randy now... christ... just a moment and it will be all better." she murmered as she moved to slide on her bed. She undid her jeans shorts and slipped them off her hips, along with her panties.
Her fingers once again went down to her pussy, as she bucked her hips around impatiently. She was horny as all hell this time. Her fingers dipped right into her slit as she closed her eyes and started to push deep into herself as she gave a moan into the air. Her eyes opened again as she looked to see her finger and pussy in the mirror but again, there was the guy. She jumped and sat up quickly, her and moving away. Her eyes went to the window but nothing, there was no one there looking in, her window was closed, the blinds pulled. The guy placed his hands on the mirror from the inside, and looked at her with lust.
She felt herself grow wetter, as she shuddered and looked at him back moving to slide her finger over her clit now and watch him. He licked his lips and pressed against the glass more, pushing hard as his hands started to slide through slightly, and all Kathy wanted was to get closer to him. She slid off the bed and walked slowly his way, her eyes never leaving his as she came right up infront of him. His hand reached out as far as it could go and grabbed her breast squeezing and pulling at her nipples causing waves of exstacy to course through her body. She let him continue to play with her breasts as she moaned and flicked her clit. For a while all she could do was feel his hands on her breasts, shoving and pushing them around as she continues to pound her pussy with her finger, then one of his hands slid down and batted her's out of the way.
His hand then slid down to her pussy, sliding over her folds as he went right to work. His finger pushed into her, while his thumb swirled over her clit, sending her waves of excitement to course through her body. It didn't take long before her juices were flowing down her legs and her muscles were spasming around his finger. She gave a gasping moan from her lips and shuddered leaning against the mirror, pushing her skin close to the rippling glass until she felt his mouth lock on her breast. She gasped and moaned more as he started to suck and flick her nipple with is tongue. His hand left her cunt and moved to her waist, holding her tightly to the mirror for a moment as his mouth teased her breast, then after a moment he turned her around forcefully, one hand bending her over at the waist while the other gripped her hip tightly. She felt his something nudge her cunt, pushing at her folds as she squirmed and gaspsed.
Half of her mind wanted him to do it, to push into her body, while the other half was screaming stop, don't do this. She felt so confused as he started to spead her pussy lips with his cock. She then pushed herself forward tearing herself from his grasp as she fell to the floor, crawling twords her bed. She turned around and looked at the mirror seeing him frustrated and angry, as his hands slid back through and started pounding on the mirror again until he faded. She layed there on the floor panting unsure what to do for a long moment, before she slowly slid her clothes back onto her body.
Kathy spent the rest of the day avoiding her room, she helped her mother unpack the kitchen items, then helped her father unload his tools. Soon dinner was done and over with, and the late night movie was over with. Her father stould up and yawned, pulling her mother to her feet. "Alright troopers, bedtime, we got a busy day tomarrow.." he announced as he headed for bed. Her mother followed "Nite Honey, you sleep well." Kathy nodded her head and slowly crawled to her room.
The girl poked her head in first and saw nothing, so she slid in all the way shutting her door and moving to pull on her night gown. She watched the mirror like a hawk, afraid of something coming through it, though it was silly, she knew it was just her imagination earlier... she was just to involved in her pleasureing herself she let her mind get away from her. She rationalized it as she started to undress.
As soon as she was naked, the guy returned and watched her with lustfilled eyes. But she ignored him, and pulled on her night gown, moving to her bed to crawl under her blankets. "Your not real. "She announced as she turned her back to the mirror and closed her eyes. She layed there a long while as she shifted around trying to get comfertable, but at the same time not look at the mirror.
The hours ticked by and finally Kathy felt sleepy, and started difting off. The first thing she felt was a cool breath on her ear, and the sound of whispers. "I want you.." it murmered to her, as she then felt the cool tickle of kisses on her neck.
Kathy moaned softly, her body unable to help it. The kisses moved down from her neck to her shoulder, as she felt hands press onto her breasts. Her nipples stiffened, causing her to moan some more as she rolled over onto her back, her eyes still closed. The front of her night gown unbottoned as the cloth was pulled away from her breasts, and soon her nipples felt as if they were being sucked upon. Kathy felt around trying to feel who was doing this to her body, but felt nothing at all. The mouth sucked and pulled upon her breast and them moved to the next one, doing the same.
As the mouth sucked upon her skin, Kathy could feel her night gown being pulled up her body, moving to bunch around her waist, as a hand moved her panties aside so it could tease her cunt, and probe her insides. All she could do was moan and buck wildly against the touch as her juices started to drip out of her body again. The mouth then moved from her breast and lowered down to her cunt, licking past her panties to get at her folds.
All Kathy could do was moan, as the tongue flicked and drove into her clit and drove deep into her folds teasing her over and over again as her fluids started to drench her skin. "More..." she moaned into the air, bucking her hips over and over again as she gasped loudly. "More... more.." was all she could manage to say. Soon her lips were covered with a mouth, it felt like a mouth atleast but when she opened her eyes she couldn't see anything at all over her, kissing her and shoving it's tongue down her throat. She felt the cock again at her folds, pushing itself forward with out warning this time as it shoved deep into her body. It felt tight, stretching her and burning deep inside as she gave a muffled wimper over the ghost tongue that was swirling around her mouth. She wanted it to stop now, as the pain flooded her, it was no longer feeling good. She pulled her head to the side, but the mouth wouldn't leave her, it remained locked on her lips. The cock started to pound into her body pushing deeper and deeper into her as she started crying out in pain. It was burning deep inside, and hurt like hell, all she could do was cry and lay back as the ghost just pounded in her over and over again.
Eventually the pain subsided and the burning went away as the cock had her so stretched, tingles shot through her skin, as she could feel the tightness rub against her pussy lips, now coursing her with pleasure. She bucked her hips up and started to rock her body as the cock went on and on.
Kathy's muscles started spasming around the ghost cock, as she found her self exploding inside. She shuddered and gaspsed against the ghost mouth as it continued to lick at her tongue and suck on her lower lip. The cock continued to pound away into her tightly stretched folds, pushing her further and further along in her own orgasm.
Kathy squirmed and thrashed around as she panted heavly, bucking against the cock over and over again as she tried to burry it so deep inside her body, as the cock continued to pound at her folds not stopping for anything.
After a moment as she continued to plunge deep into her own orgasm, the waves of pleasure not letting up at all, she started to feel her breath get sucked right out of her lungs, as if the mouth locked on her lips was sucking deep at her soul. She squirmed and tried to get away now, as she couldn't breath, and felt as if something heavy was pushing on her chest.
Her hands grasped at the bedcovers as she tried to excape, and close her legs to stop the cock from pounding into her, but there was nothing she could do. Her head turned to the mirror now and she found it glowing red and flickering like it was on fire. She could see the reflection of the guy ontop of her, pounding into her cunt, with his lips locked onto her's sucking the breath from her body though on his head he hand horns, and a tail was coming out of his back end.
As Kathy started to cry and the world started spinning the creature's reflection in the mirror leaned back, ripping away from her lips as she could hear a loud bellow into the air. It gripped her hips tightly and held her body to it's cock as she could feel it spasm and shoot liquid deep into her cunt. The creature gave one final hard thrust before pulling off her and vanishing back into the mirror.
Kathy layed on the bed, dizzy and scared, curling up into a ball as she sobbed, then finally drifted to sleep.
Several weeks had passed since the demon in the mirror raped Kathy. The whole time she kept a blanket over the mirror, refused to uncover it for any reason. Kathy had started withdrawing into herself, wearing loose baggy clothes and dressing in layers. She stopped fixing her hair, she stopped masterbating all together. School had started for her, and she was also having trouble fitting in now. Before that night she would have had no problems making friends and fitting in, but now she was so ashamed and afraid that she would hardly speak to anyone. Every night the voice in the mirror would beg her to uncover it. It would beg and plead with her to let it out. Each night she would scream and cover her head with the pillows, crying as the voice continued to beg and plead. Half of her wanted to, her body would get wet and react, but her mind was so afraid. After a day at school that was hell, and an arguement with her parents that night Kathy locked herself in her room. She sat at her desk trying to study but the voice just kept calling to her over and over again. She couldn't concentrate as the mirror pleaded with her to uncover it over and over again. She finally slammed her books shut and went to lay on her bed, curl up and cry. The room was hot, and she felt dizzy. She finally sat up and opened her window, letting in the cool night breeze. The voice in the mirror finally shut up, and she found herself drifting to sleep. The wind blew through cooling her body and getting rid of her headache as she fell asleep. The wind continued to blow, moving the blanket over the mirror slightly, exposing just a small part of it at first before it finally slipped off onto the floor. The creature slowly slithered out of the liquid glass surface and crawled it's way over to her bed. "So pretty..." it hissed as he slowly uncurled her body and layed her on her back. She was wearing a teeshirt and a pair of larger jeans she barrowed from her mom. The creature reached out a long talon and started tearing at the fabric of the shirt with a grin on it's lips. "I can't wait until I am strong enough to pull you into the mirror with me." Once it had her shirt ripped open it's forked tongue slid out of it's lips and curled around her breast. Kathy shivered in her sleep, as the senation flooded her body, causing her to tremble. The demon moved slow for now as he didn't want to wake her up yet, he was feeding off her lust that was growing inside her. His lips locked to her little breast and started to suck as his tongue curled around her nipple flicking it over and over. Kathy's body shuddered as her mind swirled in her sleep. She felt as if she were laying on a table and couldn't move. She kept darting her head around in the darkness of her mind hoping to see what was touching her, she could feel the licks on her breasts and the hands on her stomach. Her lips trembled as she let out a moan, the feeling was just to good. The creature smiled as he heard her moan in her sleep, her lust was growing more and more. His tongue slid down her stomach, licking at her skin while his talons cut away the jeans quickly. The creatures nose slid over her stomach slowly as he inhaled her sweet fragrance. He ripped her jeans away from her hips, leaning back in satisfaction. She had shaved her pussy clean for him, something he whispered over and over at night into her ear, even with the mirror covered he was growing more stronger. His nose slid down her belly, moving to the smooth clean hairless skin. It was intoxicating to him, her whole body vunerable to his touch as he continued to play with her mind. His tongue licked through her slit, touching the wet liquid dripping from her pussy lips and he gave a feral grunt. "Oh so lovely, I can't wait to have your soul." He mused as his tongue again lapped through her pussy lips. Her hips jerked from his touch, she continued to try and peer into the darkness of where she was. She tugged on her arms and found them tied by what felt like a rope... her legs too... she couldn't move at all. "Stop.. please stop." she begged. Even in her dream state her lips were mumbling her plea's, though the creature didn't seem to care. His tongue drove over and over again through her skin as he continued to taste her sweet juices. As his tongue curled around her little nub, his tallon pushed right into her flesh causing her to wimper, and her words to change. "Don't... stop please... " She begged now, her hips rocking trying to get more pleasure from him. Her juices were pouring down her body now as she stopped trying to see who was touching her. She panted heavy her eyes closed tight as all she could focus on was the tongue on her clit and the finger deep in her pussy. The creature finally pulled away, she was ready like last time. His hands curled around her thighs as he spread her legs wide apart for him. His huge black cock burried itself right into her with out warning, or much preperation, it splitting those lips apart as her muscles tried to push it back out. He was a creature of force, and this was no different. He didn't stop to let her ajust or become acustomed to it, he just pounded away, taking more of her as she cried out in pain. In her dream she was being torn in half by something large invading her body. She wanted so badly to shut her legs, but they refused to work now.. they were being held open by something so strong. "Stop, oh god your going to kill me please stop." she tried to scream loudly, but all that would come out was broken wimpers and tears that slid down her cheeks. She could feel his teeth on her breast, biting down around her nipple tearing at her flesh. She cried even more, as the pain started to turn into pleasure. The creatures cock continued to spread her and pound into her, it's grunts coming out so loudly as his tallons clawed into her sides trying to push her onto him just as rough. After several moments this way he pulled her off him, and flipped her over like a rag doll, pulling her hips up. She layed there unable to move as the dream world faded away from her. She could see her bed, and feel the tight grasp on her legs as his cock slammed right back in. Her hip jerked as she tried to push away, her body was just failing her now. He held her by her thighs, pulling her back onto his cock as he grunted. His claws dug in so deep they broke her skin, causing her to bleed. "Your my bitch now." He growled as he pounded into her. "You can't get away from me." Even as her sides bled, she started to moan, her pussy was on fire.. the pleasure was to intence for her now as she started to shudder and quake upon his cock. Her muscles squeezed down upon him, only fueling his mad frenzy assult on her poor pussy. It wasn't long before her quivering pussy and her running juices caused him to release himself, his cock twitching and sputtering his dark seed right into her womb. He grunted loudly as his wings spread wide. He then pulled out from her and pushed her down on the bed, leaving her there for a moment as he looked at the flickering mirror with a grin. "Now, you can take my place." He mused as he grabbed her by her hair and drug her off the bed. He drug her across the floor, her body sliding limp as she had passed out from the whole ordeal. It wasn't long before he slid with her into the mirror leaving behind an empty room.
The other side of the mirror was horrible, the smell of sulfure was thick in the air, while the heat baked upon the living flesh. Screams of torment echo'd all around, though in reality there was nothing physical just blackness.
Kathy slightly woke from her daze, but the blackness was so thick she couldn't see anything, just hear the screams and moans. Her whole body shook and it felt like she was being dragged by her hair across sharp stone work. The stones ripped her shirt wide open, and dug into her bare breasts causing blood to weld up from the scaped welts.
Kathy could feel the claws grip into her hair as they continued to pull her forward, and she reached up to grab the thick wrist. She could feal the leathery scales, the tight thick bones and what felt like sharp intrusions coming out of it's skin. She screamed even more, squirming and trying to pull away.
Finally after being drug for what seemed like forever she was lifted up off the ground and thrown down on what felt like a smooth stone slab. Her head was spinning and it hurt from being banged around so much. She felt metal chaines wrap around her arms and legs locking tightly around her body, she could also hear the creatures thick heavy breaths.
"Don't worry little pet, it will only hurt for a moment... then you won't care anymore." The voice growled at her as her clothes started to be ripped off her body. She trembled as she layed there, being exposed to the sweltering heat and the horrid smell of sulfer. "Soon it won't matter anymore, soon you will be in sexual bliss and torment. You are mine." He continued to explain as the world around her started to take some sort of form.
She could see the blackish red stone walls, that seemed to bleed. The ground was sharp obsidian stone, it must have been what was cutting into her body as she was being dragged across the floor, and the stone slab she was on, looked to be a high table. The outside edges had a two to three inch wide channel around it.
She got her first site of the demon creature, he had huge thick horns that came out the side of his head like a angus bull. His face was more feline though, with large black smoldering eyes and sharp jagged teeth in his maw. His neck was thick, and his skin was an off red, almost like a burned charcole red. He was very muscular, far more then any normal man could ever be. His chest was hairless, thick and tight skin stretched over hard muscles. He narrowed a bit at the hips, then had thick muscular goat legs and a tail.
She trembled as she saw his smoldering eyes looking down at her naked form, it both scared her to death, but excited her body. Her nipples pressed up so hard right away, even with the blood dripping down her teenage body. "One more time little Kathy.. one more..." He growled as his hands smoothed over her breasts.
He moved her arms to the sides of the slab, pulling the chains so it forced her arms to remain wide open, and not at hersides. Her wrists were hanging over the space between the edge of the table, and the center where she was tied to. He then spread her legs wide, to the point her ankles were also over the trench in the slab. The move ment not only exposed her womanhood, but it stretched her legs out so wide she thought her hips would break.
He then pushed down on the foot of the center slab, it pushed down slightly, tilting her hips upwards and forcing her back to bend unconfertably. This movement forced her knees to bend so she was spread wide and forced open for him to probe and invade.
He then moved back down to her head, taking a hold of her chin in his hands. "Now I am going to make you mine." He growled as he licked his lizard like tongue down the side of her cheek. "I will brand and pierce you like a cow... fuck you until you can't handle it anymore. When you go back to your family you will have my seed growing inside your womb."
He then pryed her mouth open, sliding a metal gag down inside. It forced her to keep her mouth wide open for him, almost like some nighmareish dentist's wet dream. He then reached in with a set of tongs, small ones and forced her to stick her tongue out. She layed there in that vunerable open pisition with her tongue forced out. He took up a needle, a curved one that was thick and then slowly forced it into her tongue. She screamed and tried to pull back her tongue, but the tong was so tight she couldn't pull it back. He laced the needle all the way through, she could taste blood running over her mouth as she squirmed. He pulled the needle out, still holding her tongue in the tongs and slowly, very carefully slid a hot metal ring into it. Once it was clamped shut, he looked down into her eyes watching the tears stream down the side of her face as she screamed in agony.
"It will only hurt a moment little slave... little cow." He purred at her almost lovingly. She slow badly wanted to shut her mouth and let her saliva sooth the burning from the metal but the gag forced it to remain open. He moved down to her breasts, lifting a rag to clean them up, wiping the blood away. "Now we'll peirce your breasts my little pet, because when I call to you I want them to tremble." He reached down and pinched her nipples hard, making sure they were as erect as they were ever going to get. He then lifted the needle again, and peirced the skin of her breasts, making her scream even more in agony. Her head was spinning again but the pulling and peircing was soon over. He clamped a ring through her brest, and then lifted hot metal pointed thing. She couldn't quiet tell what it was, but she felt it get touched to the ring he just pushed into her body, sealing the crease of the metal so they couldn't be taken out. She felt the metal heat up, and burn the inside of her nipples so bad this time making her pass out.
Kathy didn't know how long she was out of it, but when she woke up both of her breasts ached and hurt so bad. She could feel a thin chain laying cross her breasts and belly connecting the two nipple rings together. She looked around and saw the creature standing back, patiently waiting for her to wake up. "Good your awake..." he murmered, his demonic like features had slowly faded away, until he was nothing more then a dark skinned bulky man. But she knew what he really was. "I was waiting for you to wake up before I went on... " he mused, his voice sounded more masculine and less demonic. He had black slicked hair, dark eyes and a long angular face. He wore what looked like a mad doctors uniform, long white lab coat with gathered sleeves, back from the fifties or fourties mental hospitals.
He stepped down to her lower portions, jutted up and exposed like that. His hands reached out as he stroke a finger through her lips. She couldn't help but shudder, and moan as his finger rubbed her sensitive skin so seductively. "We have to get you nice wet... your clit swollen. " He explaned as he leaned forward and slid that snake like tongue over her folds.
She shuddered and closed her eyes, her mouth still forced open as he licked and teased her skin. His tongue curled around her clit, pressing up against it, then rolling it around as his mouth latched on for a good long time. She found herself trying to rock into his mouth, trying to get more of him as she felt herself getting so wet down between her legs.
When he pulled away she wimpered, though his finger rose up and pinched her clit tightly, causing her whole body to quake. She couldn't see what he was doing at this point, all she knew was her clit was on fire, she wanted to be fucked again. Though she couldn't say anything at all, the gag in her mouth preventing anything more then grunts, screams and wimpers.
Suddenly pain shot through her clit as something sharp pierced right through it. She screamed and pulled trying to sit up and pull away from him. The world started growing black again as she just lost it.
When she awoke again she had been moved around. She was laying on her stomach, the lower half of the slab had been turned up to make her hips open wide and raised for him. Her chest was pressed into the stone, her breasts hurting and aching so badly and the gag was still in her mouth. She felt a breeze against her head and pussy, realizing he'd shaved off all her hair.. so she was completely smooth. And a collar was fastened around her neck.
She let out several breaths and tried to call out which of course got the attention of her captor. "Well your awake again... good.." he mused as his hands glided over her hips and back. "You look so pretty now.." He continued as he came around. "Don't worry the pain will go away." He explained to her as he came to her side, moving to side his hand in the trench that was now filled with blood. "In a moment, you will have my seed growing in you.." He mused as he came around to her mouth. "But first I am going to test your mouth." He pulled away the white lab coat exposing his huge hard cock to her, taking it in one hand. She squirmed and closed her eyes as he forced it into her mouth, pressing it down against her sore tongue. She so badly wanted to bite down on it, but the gag was preventing her from doing so.
His hands came around her head, holding it still as he started to forcefully fuck her mouth over and over. He'd pull his cock almost out, letting the ridged skin drag across the metal ball wedged in her tongue, making her wimper and cry in pain as it pulled against the skin. He paused once the metal ball was at the very tip of his penis, then gripped the sides of her head hard as he rammed his cock right back into her mouth until her lips pressed against the furry thick base. The head of his penis hit the back of her throat forcing her muscles to gag.
He pulled back from her mouth completley, which let her breath for a second, until his hand flew out as he backhanded her across the face. "Damnit... your going to eat my cock, all of it and your not going to do that again."
She felt her face sting and burn from his slap, then he gripped her head again and shove his cock right back down her throat. She wanted to gag so bad, the friction he was placing on the piercing was causing her to get dizzy again but she didn't dare let herself gag, or he might just hurt her worce.
His cock continued to plunge in and out of her mouth, dragging over the piercing, she could swear it was getting bigger to the point it was so tight against the metal of the gag and her lips. He grunted and pound until finally he pushed all the way back again and let his seed flood her throat. He held himself there until his cock stopped jumping around, shooting out his sperm.
When he pulled out he was panting heavy, but still hard. "Good girl..." he said softly as his hand rubbed over the top of her head, petting her as if she were a dog.
He then walked around her, coming up onto the slab between her legs. She shuddered as she felt him press forward, his cock rubbing over her sore aching clit as his hands moved to undo the gag in her mouth.
She wimpered as the metal fell free onto the floor, finally relieved that it was out of her mouth. She closed her jaw several times, it was sore, and her tongue hurt so bad now.
The next thing she felt was his hands gripping her hips, and his cock pushing right into her body. It stretched her like never before, and painfully so as it caused her lips to split open, and press against her aching burning clit.
The demon paused as soon as all of him was shoved into her cunt, he was reviling in her pain as her tight muscles tried to force him back out. He then gripped her hips so tight as he started to ram into her with such force.
She screamed and begged him to stop, she told him how much it was hurting her, but he didn't give up his heavy hard pounds. He'd pull back until he was almost out of her body, then slam right back in as far as his cock would go. She jerked, pulling on the chaines that held her down, her stomach getting shoved into the raised part of the stone slab, forcing the air from her lungs.
His hands moved down to her legs, gribbing her thighs tightly as he started to pull her back into his shoves, grunting the whole time. The burning started to fade, as the rising desire started to cause her cunt to tingle. She moaned, and stopped fighting all together, just letting him fuck her as if she were a rag doll.
He continued to plow into her body, thrusting with the same force over and over again as her juices started to leak down her thighs. As she started to revil in the pleasure he was pounding into her body he started to put forth more effort. She could feel him get thicker and more excited as his speed doubled then trippled to the point she couldn't tell if he was pulling out or pushing in.
She found herself exploding inside, her whole cunt was spasming against his cock. She could feel each muscle go off, squeezing and spasming, causing her clit to burn even more, which to her felt so good. She felt dizzy, and she couldn't breath her eyes going black again as she passed out.
Kathy couldn't tell how long she was unconsious this time, but when she woke she was laying on her back again spread eagle. Her breasts were throbbing, so was her tongue and clit. She felt sore all over. She felt pressure against her vaginal walls, something was plugged up there. Her stomach felt huge and swollen, she could see her belly sticking up as if it were a round ripe watermellon.
"Oh good your awake my little cow." The man's voice appeared again. "Your belly is full of my baby, and I am going to send you home." He carerfully locked her arms, and then lifted her up off the stone slab. Her hair was still shaved off, and the silver chain connecting her breasts now hung down stretched over her stomach to her clit.
He walked her down the dark hallway of blackness until she saw the outside of the mirror again, only her room was empty, nothing inside it at all. No bed, no desk no nothing, just bare carpet floor.
He glided out of the mirror, the only thing left in the room, and walked her right out of the house into the dark street. She was placed on her feet as he turned her around to face him. "I will come back for you soon." He growled as his thumbs them pressed deep into her eyes, punturing her and causing her to bleed. She couldn't see anymore, and she was in so much pain she started screaming.
Her screams were answered by at first dog barking, then the shouts of neighbors coming out of their houses. She felt a blanket wrap around her shoulders as she could hear people crowding around her. Even though she couldn't see anymore, the sounds of the world around her started getting fuzzy as she felt like she was falling backwards.
Kathy Franklen was found last night in the middle of the street after having been missing for seven and a half months. She was rumored to have run away, a troubled teenage girl who isolated herself after her parents had moved to Woodlands
It's now suspected that Kathy was abducted from her bedroom by occult worshipers. Evedence shows that she was raped and beaten for the time she was missing, and returned pregnant, with her eyes injured....