Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008

1. Every day we hear, we read and we watch on television reports about acts of terrorism somewhere. No place seems to be free from terrorism.
2. From Indonesia to New York, suicide bombers, airplanes, cars and vans loaded with explosives are being blown up, killing people and destroying buildings almost with impunity.
3. Security measures have been taken, using sophisticated and costly methods, specially trained anti-terror squads, electronic detectors and tedious body searches, including scrutiny of shoes, hand bags and luggage. But the terror attacks have gone unabated. We seem to have to live with this danger striking where we least expect with no end in sight.
4. Great thinkers, journalists, political analysts and politicians of all shades and colour have written at length and given their reasons and their analysis of these acts of terror, why people should be willing to blow themselves up frequently killing innocent people.
5. The analysts and writers have attributed such acts as being due to the teachings of the Prophet of Islam, as the tendencies of Muslims to be violent, as the expressions of the clash of civilisation, as the jealousies against people who are better off themselves. They blame the extremism of the Wahabi sect of Islam and the hatred of leaders of the sect such as Osama bin Laden.
6. Based on their analysis they prescribed measures to curb terrorist activities, arresting suspected, subjecting them to torture and humiliation.
7. But still the acts of terror have gone on and show signs of escalating. Muslim airline passengers are made to go through humiliating searches, detained for hours. Hundreds of so-called terrorist suspects have been detained without trial for years, often humiliated and tortured with no means of seeking redress.
8. But through all these the real reason for these violent acts of terror has been deliberately ignored. It is as if the Europeans and the Americans are in a state of denial. It is as if all the European and American leaders fear to state the truth. Their media too appear to conspire to avoid mentioning the true cause of the anger and frustration of the people who commit these acts of terror.
9. Yet if we pause to think we cannot help but notice that these acts began with the forceful seizure of the land of the Palestinian Arabs in order to create the formerly non-existent state of Israel; the expulsion of the Arab Palestinians from their homes and their country, the killings of the Arabs by Zionist terrorists, and the incarceration of the Arab Palestinians in makeshift refugee camps for the last 60 years or so.
10. This is the basic and original cause of the acts of terror. Initially the neighbouring Arab countries tried to regain Palestinian land through conventional war. But Israel with the help of America and Britain defeated the forces of Syria, Jordan and Egypt.
11. Not only were they defeated but Israel grabbed more Arab land. At each attempt to regain Palestinian land, Israel together with America and Britain seized more Arab land.
12. In the area of Palestine which the Israelis have not seized, Jewish settlements were set up. Roads were built on Arab land which the Arab Palestinians are not allowed to use. High walls are built to break up Arab villages, preventing the villagers from contacting their close relatives even.
13. In the meanwhile the world watched the expulsion of Arab Palestinian and their plight with little concern and less sympathy.
14. Against the powerful Israeli forces the Palestinians could do nothing. They have no guns or tanks or fighter planes. Angry and frustrated they tried guerrilla war. But this was to no avail.
15. Eventually they resorted to what is referred to as terror attacks. Not having delivery vehicles they made use of suicide bombers, blowing themselves up.
16. Instead of resolving the Palestinian issue the Americans and the British decided to attack other Muslim countries. Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded, and Syria and Iran are threatened. Naturally this did not help solve the Palestinian issue. It simply aggravated the problem. And now other Muslim people, knowing that there can be no solution by their Government have adopted the same terror tactics as the Palestinians.
17. I was in Syria recently to attend a conference on the "Right of Return" of the Palestinian people I was also in Iran and Yemen. Everywhere I went I found among the ordinary people anger and hatred directed at the Jews, the Americans and the British. Their Governments are terrified by the British and the Americans. But their people are more and more bitter. There will be many who would be willing to blow themselves up even if they will not succeed in liberating their countries.
18. Terror attacks will not diminish for as long as the Palestinians are forced to remain as refugees, are denied the right of return.
19. America will have a new President soon. If the membership of his Cabinet and his staff are anything to go by, there is little that Obama can do, even if he wants to solve the Palestinian problem. All American Presidents and legislators are hostages of Israel. Fail to side with Israel and they will be defeated at the next elections.
20. "Terrorism" is going to be a part of the world scene for a very, very long time.
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
MTV Europe Music Awards swept by Obamamania

LIVERPOOL, England – Obamamania met Beatlemania Thursday, as Liverpool hosted an MTV Europe Music Awards show energized by the city's musical heritage and the U.S. presidential election.
Pink and Kanye West took home prizes — Britney Spears won two — and stars on the stage included Beyonce, Kid Rock and former Beatle Paul McCartney.
But the absent president-elect was given star status, too.
Singer Katy Perry, who hosted the show and also was named best new act, appeared in a dress emblazoned with Obama's face and quipped that "maybe Europeans will love us again now."
Her co-host, 30 Seconds to Mars singer Jared Leto, wore an Obama T-shirt and urged the 10,000-strong crowd at Liverpool's Echo Arena to yell "Congrats, Barack."
Ex Beatle Sir Paul McCartney was given a special gong at the MTV Europe Music Awards Thursday in his home city of Liverpool -- and used the event to hail US president-elect Barack Obama.
McCartney was presented with the Ultimate Legend Award, created especially for him, by U2 frontman Bono, who compared him to the pope and described his work as "immortal".
Accepting the honour, McCartney thanked fellow Beatles John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, adding: "Many years ago, there were four little boys born here in Liverpool and we went on to do quite well.
"Thanks to all my family, to all you for coming along, to everyone in Great Britain, to everyone in America for voting in Mr Obama."
Briney Spears won two awards at the event, for best act of 2008 and album of the year for "Blackout". Kanye West won the ultimate urban gong, Pink took most addictive track for "So What" and Katy Perry won best new act.
Other stars also joined in the celebrations over Obama's victory this week -- Sugababes took to the stage to present an award dressed in red, white and blue while actor Jared Leto, whose band 30 Seconds To Mars won the rock out award, got the crowd on their feet in Obama's honour.
"Let's hear it for Barack Obama," he said, to loud cheers from fans.
Among the acts performing live were prominent Obama supporter West and Perry, who also welcomed Obama's election, saying: "Maybe Europe will love us again now".
The awards, voted for by viewers of music video channel MTV, were being watched by around 10,000 fans at the ceremony and some 30 million people on television worldwide.
Liverpool was chosen as one of this year's European capitals of culture partly because of its pop music heritage.
Video Of Obama Wins The Presidency Countdown in Grant Park 11/04/2008

1. I would like to add my congratulations to the millions that Barack Obama must have received for his great victory for the Presidency of the United States of America.
2. Only a few years ago I thought it was impossible for a black man to become President of white United States, the country where the blacks used to be the slaves of the whites.
3. But attitudes have certainly changed radically among the white people. Their support for Obama is overwhelming.
4. There are many reasons why Obama managed to break through white prejudice. But President Bush has contributed much towards the acceptance of black Obama.
5. The Presidency of George Bush Junior must go down in American history as the worse ever. Arrogant, narrow-minded, autocratic, inconsiderate and totally uncaring for the views of others and even of his own countrymen, Bush created a demand for change as no other US President had ever created.
6. There was a lot about wanting to have Obama come in but there was more about wanting to have Bush and his ilk out. And McCain as the Republican candidate simply increased the desire of the Americans to have nothing to do with anyone even remotely identified with Bush.
7. Obama made such a contrast from Bush that the voters must have felt they were voting against Bush as much as for Obama.
8. But Obama is also unfortunate. To be different from Bush in attitude and foreign policy is not going to be too difficult. But Obama is coming in at a time when the US and the World are experiencing the worst of economic and financial crises. While he might succeed in changing foreign policy he is not likely to be able to solve the economic and financial crises, not in the near future certainly.
9. Bail-outs are not going to work. We have seen that already. Even partial or complete nationalization of banks and other financial institutions will not really help in turning things around.
10. Obama will be hard put to find a solution. He has five years. If he fails it is not going to be good for the new President. Certainly it will not be good for the first black President.
11. The world will be watching. It is easier to say change than to actually change.
12. I wish him the best of luck.
By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at November 6, 2008
2. Only a few years ago I thought it was impossible for a black man to become President of white United States, the country where the blacks used to be the slaves of the whites.
3. But attitudes have certainly changed radically among the white people. Their support for Obama is overwhelming.
4. There are many reasons why Obama managed to break through white prejudice. But President Bush has contributed much towards the acceptance of black Obama.
5. The Presidency of George Bush Junior must go down in American history as the worse ever. Arrogant, narrow-minded, autocratic, inconsiderate and totally uncaring for the views of others and even of his own countrymen, Bush created a demand for change as no other US President had ever created.
6. There was a lot about wanting to have Obama come in but there was more about wanting to have Bush and his ilk out. And McCain as the Republican candidate simply increased the desire of the Americans to have nothing to do with anyone even remotely identified with Bush.
7. Obama made such a contrast from Bush that the voters must have felt they were voting against Bush as much as for Obama.
8. But Obama is also unfortunate. To be different from Bush in attitude and foreign policy is not going to be too difficult. But Obama is coming in at a time when the US and the World are experiencing the worst of economic and financial crises. While he might succeed in changing foreign policy he is not likely to be able to solve the economic and financial crises, not in the near future certainly.
9. Bail-outs are not going to work. We have seen that already. Even partial or complete nationalization of banks and other financial institutions will not really help in turning things around.
10. Obama will be hard put to find a solution. He has five years. If he fails it is not going to be good for the new President. Certainly it will not be good for the first black President.
11. The world will be watching. It is easier to say change than to actually change.
12. I wish him the best of luck.
By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at November 6, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
School Girl

Shortly after her 18th birthday, high school senior Jenna Rice was told her parents were going out of town for the weekend. And she was going to be left all by herself in the sprawling suburban mansion for the first time. Jenna’s eyes lit up as she realized this was the opportunity she and her boyfriend Max had been waiting for. They hadn’t been dating that long, but she was 18 and he was 22, so she knew he was getting impatient for her to go further with him. It was Thursday night and as soon as her parents went to bed for the evening, Jenna called Max to give him the news. She told him excitedly that her parents were leaving in the morning to go to a conference in Florida and would be gone until Sunday night. “Pick me up from school tomorrow at 3:00 and we can come back here and stay the whole weekend together.” Jenna was excited just thinking about it, imagining her boyfriend, her handsome, sexy boyfriend, on top of her, taking her for the first time. She felt herself getting all wet with just the thought of him inside her. He agreed to pick her up the next day and seemed eager himself to start their weekend together. He knew Jenna was of age, but still being in high school, her parents kept a pretty tight leash on her. The next day, Jenna got dressed for school in her usual uniform: a grey and red plaid wool skirt, white blouse and black cardigan sweater. Her broken-in saddle shoes and white knee socks completed the outfit. She ran downstairs to grab a bite to eat before it was time to go. “Hurry up, Jenna. We’re going to be late!” her mom called. Jenna swiped a bagel from the cabinet, grabbed her backpack, and headed out to the car where her parents were already waiting. They dropped her at school everyday, too paranoid to trust her with her own car. It was the bane of Jenna’s existence, but she loved her parents and tried not to complain. Everglades School for Girls had both elementary students and high school students. Her parents swung the SUV around to the back entrance where the high school girls went in. “Have a good trip, guys!! Love you!” she yelled behind her as she shut the door to the car and ran into the building. Jenna sat impatiently through all her classes that sunny Friday. All she could think about was Max and getting home and having him undress her and do all of the things he had told her he wanted to do to her. She was in Physics class 2nd period, thinking about him, her eyes closed almost involuntarily. She pictured him shoving her up against the wall of the dining room, pulling up her skirt, taking off her panties, and doing it to her right then and there. Jenna moaned at the thought and realized too late that she had moaned out loud. Her eyes flew open and she saw that everyone was staring at her. Her best friend, Maggie, was grinning knowingly from ear to ear. Jenna’s face turned bright red and she slunk down in her desk. Luckily the teacher hadn’t caught it, only the entire class. Jenna glared at Maggie, who winked at her and turned her attention back to the board. The teacher was droning on and on about something, Jenna didn’t even know what at this point. She was just hoping not to get called on. After class, Maggie caught up with Jenna as she was scurrying out of the room. “He’s coming over tonite isn’t he?” she asked her friend, nudging her with her elbow. “Come on!! You are supposed to tell me these things!” Jenna grinned at her and nodded. Maggie jumped up and down and clapped her on the back. Maggie had been de-virginized long ago and had been waiting not so patiently for Jenna to give it up so they could dish about sex. Jenna, however, had wanted to wait until she was ready. And now she was. And Maggie couldn’t be more thrilled. The rest of the day passed in a blur of daydreams and anticipation for Jenna. When the final bell rang at three o’clock, she hurried from the classroom and out the back door of the school where Max was waiting. Maggie intercepted her as she hit the parking lot and gave her a huge hug. “Good luck,” she whispered in her ear. She squeezed her hard one more time and let her best friend run off to get laid. “I want details!!” she yelled after her as Jenna climbed into Max’s car, throwing a smile back at her. Jenna got in the car and leaned over to kiss Max. It was a brief but passionate kiss, full of longing and potential, both of them knowing what was to come. Max smiled at his girlfriend, thinking how gorgeous she was and how he couldn’t wait to get her home. Jenna smiled at her boyfriend, thinking how handsome he was and how she couldn’t wait for him to get her home. Max pulled out of the school parking lot and headed toward the suburbs. Thirty minutes later, they pulled up in Jenna’s driveway. Jenna unlocked the front door and let Max in behind her. She dropped her backpack in the hallway and went in to the kitchen. “Do you want anything to eat?” she asked him, opening the fridge and peering inside to see if her mom had left her anything special to eat. There were some leftover meals with notes on them for how long to microwave them and such. And there was pizza money on the counter. Her mom knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t touch the leftovers. She smiled at the thoughtful gesture. Max stared at her, unable to think of food, or anything else for that matter, when he had her alone in her own big house. She pranced around the kitchen, seemingly oblivious to the sexual tension that was rapidly building between them. But suddenly she was nervous and was perhaps subconsciously trying to avoid the situation. He grabbed her by the arm, not roughly but still forceful. He pushed her up against the refrigerator and kissed her hard. She whimpered as her arms went around him and she relished the feel of his lips on hers. God, he was an amazing kisser. He could turn her knees to jelly with just a simple kiss. But this was no simple kiss. His lips were unyielding, taking from her everything she could give. Jenna felt his need pushing against her, his cock was already hard and throbbing, wanting her. She moaned as he rubbed himself against her and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued to ravage her mouth with his. The kiss deepened and his tongue was in her mouth, exploring every inch of her. His hands were all over her body, her breasts, her butt, her arms. Everywhere he could touch, he did. She held him close to her as his bruising kiss moved from her lips to her throat. He moved down from her throat to the place where neck meets shoulder, a sensitive and intoxicating spot. As he kissed her, Max unzipped his pants and let them drop to his ankles. He reached a hand underneath Jenna to peel her panties away. Jenna, her legs still wrapped tightly around him, ran her lips along his neck to the part of his chest that showed through his open shirt. His patch of chest hair turned her on so much. This was no boy; he was a man. And she wanted him. She let him remove her panties and she felt him push her skirt up a little. He shoved his fingers inside of her all of a sudden and Jenna cried out. She was so wet she dripped down his hand as he fingered her. She was more than ready for him. He lifted her against the wall and, watching her face, slowly thrust his throbbing dick into her virginal pussy. Jenna screamed in pain at first, but it went away quickly and she felt him moving inside of her. He was so hard and she thought about how amazing it felt. New sensations were running through her blood, coursing through her entire body. He shoved himself in and out of her, gently at first until he sensed that her need for him was as great as his for her. Then he started to fuck her harder. He held on to her tightly as he fucked her up against the fridge, her moans echoing in the big kitchen. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and all she could think was that she wanted more. “More,” she whispered to him, not entirely sure what that meant. But it was all she could think. “Please, baby, more.” It came out as a plea and Max was happy to oblige. He went harder and deeper, as deep inside of her as he could go. She was so tight around him it drove him crazy. He could feel himself close to coming but didn’t want to slow down. She wanted him harder and faster and he wanted to give it to her. Desperately she clung to him as Max’s thrusting became even more intense. She cried out as she felt her orgasm rocket through her body, from her belly to the tips of her toes and fingers. Max, knowing he had pleased her, gave one final thrust into her and pulled out quickly, coming all over her stomach. Max collapsed from exhaustion and together he and Jenna fell into a heap on the floor. Jenna was still in her uniform and max was only half clothed. Max kissed her and told her she was amazing. Jenna couldn’t think or move, so she just groaned at him in response. She felt sated, like her whole life she had been building up tension to be released and it was all gone.
Max propped himself up on his elbows and looked at her. She was so beautiful and with the flush of orgasm she looked twice as good. Her skin was all rosy and glowing and she smiled at him the slow and lazy smile of someone who has just been pleasured. She stretched like a cat and nuzzled against him. He jumped up and pulled her off the floor into his arms, carrying her upstairs. He found her bedroom down the hallway and laid her on the soft, fluffy blue comforter. Slowly, he unzipped her skirt and pulled it off. Jenna watched him undressing her, barely able to keep her eyes open. Max took his time, savoring every inch of her naked skin. He unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off, then he unhooked her white lacy bra and revealed her firm little breasts. She was so young and tender he couldn’t help but gaze at her. Her eyes followed him lazily as he stood up next to the bed and took of his shirt and remaining clothes. He lay down next to her, both of them naked, and he began to caress her. He stroked her skin from head to toe, starting with her face and neck, moving slowly and softly down to her shoulders and her breasts. From there he ran his fingers over her stomach and then her thighs, stopping to tease her by massaging her inner thighs as close as he could get to her pussy without touching. Max finished by stroking her legs all the way to her feet and started back up again. Jenna was softly writhing on the bed, making small moaning sounds at his touch. Max was hard again just touching her. Her skin was so soft. Jenna sat up and kissed him, deciding it was her turn to take charge. She moved her lips down his neck to his chest, teasing and nibbling on his nipples. He gasped in pleasure. She continued down to his stomach, her tongue flicking in and out of his navel. Her hands followed her exploration, toying with him, touching him everywhere her mouth touched. Jenna’s head between Max’s legs, she began to lick at his balls. Max convulsed and moaned, his fingers grabbing for something to hold on to. Her hands played with his engorged dick as her tongue explored him for the first time. She ran her tongue up the shaft of his member and flicked the tip of it as Max arched his back and groaned her name aloud. She toyed with him, tantalizing him, making him want it so bad he could hardly see straight, before she took him full in her mouth. She sucked and stroked and squeezed and licked him into oblivion. She had brought him almost to the brink when she climbed on top of him. Max was taken aback by her show of boldness. She was fearless now as she straddled him. She leaned forward and took the tip of his dick into her just a tiny bit, letting him feel how wet she was from sucking him off. She lifted herself up and down ever so slowly on him, each time letting the smallest bit of his throbbing penis inside of her. “Please,” he whispered. And that was all it took. Jenna slammed herself down on his cock, ramming him into herself full length. Max screamed out loud and bucked with pleasure. She began to ride him, hard and fast, her hands grabbing at his chest hair, holding on to him. He held her under her butt guiding her as she rocked back and forth. Jenna hadn’t thought it would get any better than her first time, but this was amazing. He was so deep, and she only wanted him deeper and deeper. He brought his hips up as she moved, pushing himself farther into her dripping pussy. Her juices ran down his balls and onto the sheets. She hadn’t known she could be this wet. He slid in and out of her so smoothly and she knew she would come again soon. She rode him harder, the tingling sensation beginning to build inside of her. They joined hands so she could push herself harder, so she could go faster. She was crying out now, wanting to come so badly. Jenna threw her head back as she arched and felt the orgasm rocking through her body. She moved off of Max and took him in her mouth again, sucking him hard until he came into her mouth. She stretched herself out beside him and began to doze off, thinking only of the next two days and all the things Max would do to her…
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